i was super excited (see jenny) to start blogging about all the little vain things my money has been lost on when babaBoom - i trip, and all goes crashing down onto the carpet. =/ my benefit babe cake liner completely empty on one side, and me freaking out which gave jenny this pleasant greeting:
hello hello says: HOLY SHIT But hey! before i get all detailed lets play a game shall we?
Where's friggin Wally-the-huge-ass-stain? can you spot him?!?!  and yes. that is makeup remover. i dont know where capret cleaning things are - i dont even think we have any. AND the stupid hand held vacuum thing DOES NOT WORK. so i had to use a cloth. and guess what?! that just made it spread..hooray! ugh. i will continue cleaning after this post and hope that out of all unlikeliness my mum won't notice a thing tomorrow morning. i'll have the day to fix it as well..i hope. and to think this post was going to mock the the sin that is vanity. Here is whats left:
 and here is my less sulky bit (of what i wore today - and also what i think is the best accidental shot ever taken ! ): (moey was less cold because she wore skinnies instead of shorts) err. i JUST realised our username is vanityisfair - harhar my post is in theme.
ok ! end of lameth. post more interestingly when my mood is less soured : ) xox moey |