leeeeeeeeek |
SO. yesties, all [seven of us] met up at school [wasnt my idea] and was thinking about eating lunch at surry hills; but then realised that the places there tended to be small, so we ended up tromping off to darling harbour. omg so many school kids! so, had some yummy yummy seafood at this restaurant called 'blue fin' i think? i reckon that was pretty good, but it was a very touristy restaurant.
we were wandering around darling harbour a bit;; and then KABOOM colleen's inner child exploded. and brought the rest of our's out. AND THEN since rose was desperate for icecream from pasisonflower, we all tromped back to capitol and stuff ourselves;; its our reward for finishing the exams in one piece i guess.
AND THEN jenny was like 'let's go k!' but no one except colleen and rose wanted to go. so, just the three of us went k for an hour. mmm so fun, sang heaps of old school songs... dancing queen, spice girls [lol]
AND THEN.. in our particular room there was this little niche-like thingy -like a chunk taken out of the wall. by the end of the hour we got tired from singing dancing queen at the top of our voice so we crammed climbed in for some fun. and:
    AND THEN we got out and it STORMED; obviously the trains were screwed, but we were saved by the buses. off to jenny's house! decided to watch some movies that night. biggest piece of irony ever:
rose: youre always sleeping after one movie. colleen: no, i've improved! ONE movie later:: colleen: i think im gonna go to bed now..
so;; we ended up watching fight club [SO good.] and then howl's moving castle. you could almost call it them on different ends of the spectrum. rose and i ended up staying up till 3 or 4, and woke up at 10 =( mucked around, made some bailey's and coffee and then guess what; i had my five hour maths tutoring. and a 4u test. kevin fong: would you rather be raped or have your mum killed? shirley: umm depends on the guy? kitty: no one wants to rape you in the first place fong.
oh wellsies, i survived it. twas a good two days =) tmr, planning to stay home. watch some more dvds perhaps. chaaarming.
x ` jenny tee.
is moey in a coma? |