running outta ideas for titles. |
first day of school today;; just been getting back exams =( its almost as bad as doing them. Results been okayish so far, but my french mark is pissing me off. lol phys was pretty good considering i studied max three hours?
had free periods when we used to have sports. it was kinda weird coz the whole grade thought some teacher had called a meeting; but then it turns out that we made it up >.> hows that for great minds thinking alike lol. so we were gonna go down to surry hills and get coffee n sth to eat, but ... we ended up just sitting out in the sun and absorbing vitamin D (dunno if thats right?) but colleen left to lunch with mum.
found this randomly lying around on a card [had two other 'recipes' but cropped it] :
mmm baileys. gonna make these when i get chance =)
todaaii also went and bought kate miller-heidke's little eve.
yepp twas only 10 bucks. had been wanting it for aages, then i saw it was only 10 and i was like OMG GRAB IT AND NEVER LET GO. listening to it atm, its quite unique and i mean it in a good way. fav songs so far are words and delay. =) also loving the new alicia quays song <3
aaaand.. this is the scarf that jenny knitted ALL BY HERSELF!
i put the pink ribbons on the ends to hide the screwed up part =s ... thinking of changing to black ribbon tho coz the pinkness reminds me too much of cheap plastic. maan my mirror is so dirty from the hairsprays. should go clean it.
just remembered;; today gary pulls out a starburst from a packet of those new fruit fusion ones and goes, 'omg how come they all look like dicks?!' ROFL trust him to say sth like that. obvs he hadnt noticed michael had been playing with them for the last ten minutes >.>
mum just came in and chucked ANOTHER hissy fit about my uniform lying scrunched up on the chair. its like. ONE skirt and ONE shirt wth. she used to just not come into my room and not care but lately shes been going on this crusade or something against my messiness =.=
x `jenny tee |