BUTTON TREE: [www.buttontree.com.au] the buttons/badges are so de-licious! mm they're buttons, but handmade using vintage cloth. oohh so want one;; mais je dois economiser en ce moment, donc, je ne les achetera pas. Quel dommage =(

[from frankie, jan/feb 2008 issue]
but on the other hand... today we left school at 12 to go to moey's place for a bit of lunch. Then off to Myer to buy some nail polish for jenny;; took a while, but eventually i got these two from Missha and also this eye tip thing with eyeliner+eye shadow. so much for economiser.
 i really dont like shopping in school uniform. the shop assistants never bother coz they reckon that school kids aren't gonna buy anything. but i couldnt do anything about it today;; i didnt bring clothes to change since i wasnt planning to go to city.
now i've got a headache. think ill go take shower and sleep a bit.
x ` jenny tee.