So yesterday was Moon Fest, and my house was crammed full of relatives. So I thought it would be a good chance to get donations for 40hr Famine.
Well, I got $13.30, from about a houseful of about 20 people.
Okay, I get it, you don't have much change on you. But you don't have to look at me, annoyed, and say, "Oh you're doing it again? You do it every year."
Well, you see, as much as we'd all like it to be possible, the few bucks that you gave me last year only went so far in lifting the hundreds of millions of people out of absolute poverty, child labour, sex slavery, and all the other problems that they face while you sit there, eating to your heart's content, complaining about getting fat, discussing your new iPhone, iPod, plasma tv, designer bag, Christmas holiday, etc.
I admit that most of the time, I too am only thinking about my own little world where I'm always complaining I don't have enough money despite the fact that nothing is actually lacking. But at least I will donate with an open heart when someone asks.
(BTW I'm not attacking people for being stingy or anything; I'm just annoyed when people greet my only attempt of the year at charity with a tone that makes me feel like I'm doing something disgraceful. Like I'm forcing you to give me money to feed my ice addiction or something.)
Now that I got that off my chest, let's move onto something more cheerrrful. Here's some photos from Karen's birthday, back at the beginning of September. Photos from Thai's facebook.
Waiting around...

 First we love- handcuffed Karen to the railing.
THE cuffs (which broke eventually):
 Then we went hotpot.

Shit that stuff was hot. We drank through 4 bottles of milk tea.
 Then we went ice cream at Riviera, to cool down. (That was a bad move for my stomach.)

 unwrapping presents.

 Then k.
 Then began the record breaking marathon of camwhoring by certain people. I've only put two of them here, but trust me, I've just tagged a whole album on facebook.

 This is Priceless. (I would insert the Mastercard joke... but I'm too lazy to come up with one)
 Then we got bored/tired and started with the love cuffs again.
  There is seriously not one decent photo of me. Most of them are along the lines of:
I can't believe I'm actually posting it.