Today's weather has almost persuaded me to permanently remain a hermit in my house for the rest of my life. Stupid cyclonic winds.
 This is the only photo I have, which I taxed off Amanda's blog. The rest can be seen on her blog. Lol I look so fat. Actually, it's probably quite an accurate representation, taking into account the amount of cake, chips and (free) fairy floss I ate today.
This is an excerpt from an interview with Kate Moss.
KM: Yeah, I like clothes, but I hardly ever go shopping. Hardly ever! GO: How do you get your clothes then? KM: Well, I just come across them. Man, I wish that I was lucky enough to 'just come across them' instead of having to save up each and every time. The interview is actually quite interesting because it never really occurred to me that she actually had a personality as she was always just the face+body.
Yeah I was gonna post something else up, but I really should do my scholarship application now. Then I have to do UAC preferences. Then write an English essay. Then some Maths papers. The list goes on forever, I swear. Someone press fast forward, PLEASE. I don't really care anymore. I just want this to be over. (OK I'll stop or Moey will start calling me emo.) |
AHhhaha I love ur expression :P
Kate moss? Body, yes. What face?
O god I haven't done anything productive since trials ended :(