you know that excited feeling you get when you're about to walk into a class for the very first time and you're expecting this big welcome since you're best friends are supposed to be in that class too? i had that feeling this morning. . . .until i walked in and instead of friends i was greeted with empty seats...
but me thinking that at least ONE of the three friends that were supposed to be in that class would have stayed and were just running late, declined to sit with others (thats right i was offered seats!) and SAVED a seat for non-existent friends. boooooo. ten minutes in i decided to push my bag onto the empty seat beside me. fine. be that way guys.. be that way.
and that was my interesting story of the day : ) toot toot !
here is something better - proof that my plans of a new and improved work ethic is reeally paying off:
...aren't they pretttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? lol. the blurriness gets rid of all the blotches that are actually there. And you guys, i dont see whats wrong with painting your nails in year twelve? its a form of creative expression - stress relief - and at least im getting my moneys worth of the whatever i paid for the nailpolish. theres 6 types on each finger right now. . . !
my mum keeps bagging me out for it but at least SOME of my friends get it (kitty colleen betty lol). haha i keep looking at them. seriously. everytime i put a full stop in i'm like pause, look at nails. hmmm.
my eyes are hurting, because this is what happens when your sister becomes a computer hog the week before her assessments. i am becoming net-ologically intolerant to all the white space.. um and before i leeave - how good was soyouthinkyoucandance? ughsadjfiodsjfaigfgjk hot stuffs ! xox moey |