roses are red (and black), violets are blue. |
Yesterday, as you might know, was our swimming carnival, which was actually cancelled due to to rain. But i stayed at home anyway, and attempted to get on top of my pile of hw, which is now taller than me. Staying at home was a good thing, as i got to hear Rudd's speech live (i think), after waking up just in time.
The apology was a pretty brave thing to do - and Rudd has now won my favour. I sincerely hope that this will allow the indigenous problems to be solved. Although ive never been a passionate advocate, it still pained every time i saw the homeless drunk aboriginals at central, and also when i read about the gigantic gap between indignenous and non indigenous australians, in terms of health, education, and income.
onto some less depressing stuff now. =) This you will DEFINITELY know about - VALENTINES DAY. No valentine for jenny, but she received a ..lovely.. rose from her friend colleeen. <3 However, i had to dispose of the rose, to avoid endless harassment from her parents, which was what happened in previous years. I kept the card though =)
 Well. love was definitely in the air (ark so cheesy!). Two friends confessed to me about their crushes / infatuation / boyfriends-to-be / whatever-you-want-to-call-them. All this guy-talk is so distracting, just when assessments are about to start. Ah well, at least it spices up school. |
who made the "other" confession?????????
<3 u
tell you at school =)
nah but you don't really talk to her anyway, im assuming.
ooooh is something up with belinda??
and no it wasnt belinda i was talking about.
who made the "other" confession?????????
<3 u