Meet my new camera. It takes nice pictures. |
My mum was out this morning;; so i took the opportunity to sneak the camera out.
So, I bought this orange and white cotton dress in HK. This happens alot - it looked nice in the shop, but when i tried it on at home, it just looked like a pillow case.
Urgh my mirror looks so dirty. =(
I tried to put a ribbon on it, but it looks a lil awkward at the hem. I'm thinking of cutting out the bubbly part, but i like it too much. What to do?
Also bought this coke tee, which i wore today. It was originally a long sleeve, but it looked really wrong, so i cut the sleeve off. I can't be bothered to finish the job, so im just going to fold it up the Sydney Girls way.

Also bought this scarf for RMB$200. That's a lil more than what i would normally spend on something from a lil shop in china;; but i just HAD to have it. My auntie ended up buying it as a pressie for me. Yesterday Kitty had the same scarf, except in black and white. Damn, i thought i was unique.

And one of my fav acquirements from china: GARFIELD COMICS!
  ahahaa.. Childish, but perfect for HSC stress-relief.
And other random bits of things:
Anti-clockwise from top: sunnies; brown, gold and silver eyeliners; black hair clip; flowery ring; hair clips; chunky earrings [for some reason peeps there like to wear unmatching earrings] ; and MAC concealer[apparently anti-bacterial for pimples].
Shall take more pics of other things later on. =)
Guess what im listening to atm?
I also have the same scarf, but in b&w, like kitty. Bought it in the holidays from Myer for like $25.
Stuff from china is not always cheaper :)
I love your coke tee.
You got the same one too?? What brand was it?
It's just from Miss Shop, you know the Myer brand?
I like the scarf :) but it's so emo.... *hides*
What I really like is your camera. Show me some of its sexiness one day okay ;)
Cutting up clothes and buying emo looking scarves.
What's next? lol
i think the dress is nice as is :)
but maybe tis the angle ur standing at ! dont cut the bubble till ur sure (i.e. get someone to physically see it for opinions i guess?)
coolcool x
I also have the same scarf, but in b&w, like kitty. Bought it in the holidays from Myer for like $25.
Stuff from china is not always cheaper :)
I love your coke tee.