im in a weirdooo mood right nowsies. 4u maths messes with my head. maan i cant even write a post without mentioning MATHS. urgh.
today was scorchANG hot. i came home and made the strawberry frappe thingo with baileys;; maybe thats why im like, WooOOhooOoO atm?
oksies, yesterday after churchie went to city. I was thinking about doing a graphic novel for my eng text; in particular this one called 'the mermaid princess' [yeah it sounds reeally cheesy, but its actually not]. but its IMPOSSIBLE to find. so i checked out some of the comic stores anyway. One of them was closed on sundays, and the other one... well lets just say i discovered that comics were actually EXPENSIVE. [I thought comics were cheap -ish! guess not.] Didnt really get enough time to browse through everything coz i had to meet moey at bondi. i shall go back one day =) i have decided that when [not if] i get rich, i shall spend some money being a comic geek. 8-)
So, met up with moey soon after and caught the bus to beach. LOL we didnt know where exactly to get off, so i randomly said 'Here' coz it looked right... in the end it turns out it was EXACTLY where we were meant to get off. ...but, we didnt know that at the time, and sort of wandered off in direction of the beach. passed the quick brown fox, and jenny just couldnt resist going inside =) i LUURVE that shop. i still remember when i made moey + danella wander around paddington for bout an hour while waiting for the shop assistant for the qbf there to be 'back in 30 mins' [eventually we left coz they still hadnt returned..]
baack to yesterday. we spent AAGES in there;; i found this lil blue cardigan and this olive n brown, um, dress? jenny was faced with a giant, life changing decision. which one to get? eventually, jenny bought the blue cardigan, and moey got the dress for her bday =) so jenny left the shop a v. happy girl. [she also decided that when she is rich this is another store she shall become a fan of.] moey also bought this lil grey-blue skirt. so moey left the store a happy girl too. we wandered around bondi some more, still looking for the cheap monday store. eventually we were saved by a map on the bus stand LOL! and found the store. OMGGG .. the guy inside the store. okay okay he wasnt hot or anything, but SERS thats like the SKINNIEST pair of legs ive ever ever seen on a guy. even skinnier than jos from, and this guy was sooo tall. and he called us 'daarlings' aww. baack to the jeans. yesterday was a pretty bad day for trying on skinny jeans =( we spent aages in there too, trying on a billion pairs. jenny eventually bought this plain black pair,mid waisted; and moey bought these black ones with seams and hiiiiigh waisted. we also saw this pair of BRIGHT blue jeans; they were soo awesome. if i some more moolah to spare, i wouldve bought that too, but unfortch she already spent too much that day. so we went back to bondi junction, and being the nerds we are, we went into borders to look at some books. then jenny + moey parted; well, jenny made it back home, which is a great feat considering how hard it was to resist just plopping down in the middle of the road all the way home. [dont know why i was that tired, actually. i mean it wasnt even for the whole day. ] and here are some photosies of the new clothes. new cardigan >>  and the new jeans + cardigan>>
 x `jenny tee. |