jenny says:
hollaa peeps we are still here. at least, i am.
today;; i learnt to drift! ..on a machine. thats a good thing coz i keep on crashing. lol, met up with shumzo coz he's also here in gz. went to one of those game arcade thingies. bummed around, got bored, then went to this China Plaza. Bought a new school bag yay! and sunnies too. and some cds. thats my day today.
so yeah, got back from hk and macau a couple of days ago. and then my comp screwed up, so it got formatted. so ive had to re -install everything. urgh i hate it when that happens. anyway, i don't have photoshop so im not gonna post piccies up yet. =) in short, i ended up with some new clothes and two pairs of new shoes. I also met my lil cousin, who's 4, a girl, and almost as bad as my bro. so imagine what happens when they decide to gang up on lil jenny. she is forced to be a horse, a merry go round and finally defend herself from a lethal flying barbie.
but;; that is past.
in the future lies the hsc. i should study more shouldn't i.
This is the word of x ` jenny tee. amen. |
OI jenny. happy new year :)
summer holidays is not the same with you in china :( you should post more so that i can at least feed off your blog till you return.
luff u
ps. did you go to the casinos in macau?