I really like this dress from sass&bide. [wouldn't wear the hat though] If i was not saving up to move out, i would go buy it. If i was not suppose to stay at home and study rather than thinking about shopping, i would go buy it.
unfortunately, i am doing both. so, no new clothes for me. Instead i have 4u maths to comfort me! woot.
and one day, i want hair like this:
But I'm not sure whether my skin is too dark for the colour;; I don't want to end up looking like an asian try-hard. Like the dress too, but I don't know where its from.
I was also wondering how sick you can get from eating mold infected food. I was making lunch today which required some tomato sauce. Only AFTER i poured some in did i realise that there was big-ish patches of mould on the jar lid. My mum tells me that the rest of the sauce should be fine, but listening to Rose talk biology for so long now tells me that it wasn't ok.
oh well. I'm fine atm, but if I don't turn up at school tmr, you know I'll be writhing in pain with a stomach virus. Or maybe I'll be having a HSC related breakdown.
EDIT. one more thing;; my cousin is in US for holiday atm, and he got to go to Spice Girls concert. like, hello - SPICE GIRLS! yeah anyway, he posted some videos of it on youtube and here is one of my all time fav Spice Girls song =) Spice Girls - Stop
btw I finally got broadband! Which is why i can watch youtube lol.
and this: [slightly crude, but hilarious.]
Thug: You know what, nigga? I think all them zombies are racist mothafuckahs. You notice they always eat the brotha first? What are we, covered in mothafuckin' chocolate? Do I look like a fondue fountain? That's some bullshit.
lol at thug joke. and lols some more.
that picture of the blonde bob and green one-piece looks great as a combination. wow is that going to be a post-HSC jenny?
otherwise, i don't know how to comfort you since i'm sitting in the same shoe of looking forward to 7.5 more months of toiling and spoiling.