"is that your bum?!" |
It's Easter again!
Time to hand out easter eggs. Sorry if i missed you. =(
Yesterday I found this random metal ring thing lying around the house :
For want of something better to do, I decided to make a necklace thingy out of it by wrapping it in wool.
You have NO idea how many times I did and undid that;; took me the whole night.
And yesterday I also found this HILARIOUS photo of my grandma and my brother:
 This was when my family and about ten other rellies went down to Jervis Bay for the weekend about a month ago. I didn't go - and don't regret it either (since I got to go to Mon's bday instead) The expression on my grandma's face just cracks me up so bad.
And here's another interesting article from Frankie:
"Things to do before you turn 30: start a revolution"
Here's part of the intro: "I once spent a weekend in Tirana, Albania, hanging around in bars with young people who were plotting to change the world...The trip was worth it because these young people, hanging around in these particular bars had changed it, several times. The occasion was the Tirana Activism Festival, the first official gathering of the youth-led movements that have been a catalyst of upheaval in Easter Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East since the mid-1990s. Those people...few of them over 30, had between them helped overthrow four governments in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Lebanon. "
The rest of the article goes on about the different youth led groups and their tactics and success. One of the first of these groups was Otpor! in Yugoslavia: "A little over two years later, Otpor! has swelled to a mass movement that played a crucial role in removing the dictator out of power. They did it, to a large degree, by laughing him out of the building. A factor common to all tyrannies is their complete unawareness of their own ridiculousness, and Otpor! summoned the courage to point this out with a mixture of prankery, graffiti and inspired copywriting."
I'm aware that the journalist might have exaggerated their effectiveness for sensationalism,(I'm a bit paranoid after the English topic) but it's pretty inspiring the way people not much older than us can find such ingenious non-violent methods to make their point.
lol don't worry;; just because I said they're inspiring, doesn't mean I'm going to start a revolution here. But it would be a pretty awesome experience. They definitely haven't wasted their lives sitting in offices punching numbers into Excel.
A few things:
1. your easter eggs!! miss me :(
2. jenny has craft skills no doubt
3. sunny and your grandma stand at the epic of sweetness+cuteness
4. we should start a revolution. if only we knew what to revolutionize....
lol at flano's salute to the voicebox in our room.
trying to be as rebel as cory delaney i see.
thanks for the chocolate.
A few things:
1. your easter eggs!! miss me :(
2. jenny has craft skills no doubt
3. sunny and your grandma stand at the epic of sweetness+cuteness
4. we should start a revolution. if only we knew what to revolutionize....