I wish I was tall and leggy. Imagine the kind of pretty clothes I could wear. I could look like this in skinny jeans. This girl isn't even a model or anything:
[These remind me of the bright blue Cheap Monday jeans I want. Actually, I've set myself some goals for these assessments and if I achieve them then I can go buy them. =)] I think that's the only thing I hate about being short - being limited to only particular styles when it comes to clothes.
So today, my brother brought home his school mag. Now according to Betty, Trinity houses some eye-candy. So I flicked through the pics, and could only see some half decent looking guys. Then I jumped to the back, where they have all the individual photos of the graduating yr 12s. HOLY SHIT they were ugly. Seriously, some of them looked like caricatures. Betty, looks like you were wrong. Oh and they had this sort of philosophy club... with seven peeps. Lol. It sounded interesting though.
Um yeah.
I spent all of today studying economics and about all the problems with our economy. And then eating dinner by self, I started watching SBS and I get bombarded with all these stories and pics of fightings and bombings and how we're gonna run out of food in twenty years, so imagine how depressed I was feeling by the end of that. Humanity and its impending doom.
Hell, I'm off to find some eye candy and to cheer myself up.
Oh dang.
Maybe all the hot ones have graduated already.
Or maybe the hot ones i saw was younger than us?
Oh no. I'm a paedophile.