yes yes, i know i dont need any excuses for putting up eyecandy (especially since this is exactly what the blog has been lacking tsktsk) but i did have a purpose to this post:
my sister just brought home the first two seasons of SUPERNATURAL and lo and behold a dilemma has arised. Am i to be:
a) the good girl and, like every other HSC-er, save money by ripping them
b) go wild - and i use this term loosely- and blow 30 a pop on supernaturally goodlooking jared padalecki (and jensen ackles i spose..)
c) be the extremely good HSCer and do none of the above to stop additional procrastination tempations (please remember that procrastination happens to be a skill of mine and i will find another way to puruse it.... )
please decide soon for me friends, the sale is on and time is a-wastin.... m xox
You only get to live once.