It's a little embarrassing, but I'll admit that I was actually excited to watch Wall.E. So under the pretense of being nice to my brother, I took him to watch it today. I guess that after watching the extended trailer and all the other lil clips that accompanied the ads, I expected a wee bit too much...and got disappointed. The beginning was fantastic, but then as the movie developed the focus shifted from Wall.e himself and onto the humans and it sort of became more moralistic than anything. Yes, a bit of morality is good, but Wall.E was the sole reason I wanted to watch the movie. Seriously, Wall.E was soo absolutely adorable it's beyond words. [ie I'm too lazy to try and be expressive.]
Omg I can't believe I spent that much time talking about a kiddy film. But then again, Pixar films are better than alot of the crap that gets churned out of Hollywood every second or so.
Yep, I've also added a bunch of blogs (ones that have stood the test of time) to the blogroll. More for my convenience than anything else, since it will let me visit them at work by only memorising this blog's url. [Have I ever mentioned that the new computer system at work now lets us play solitaire and use the net while we're on the cash registers.? It's so awesome I never want to leave. But I think they'll figure it out soon and take it down. =( ]
The other day my mum bought a Peter Alexander T-shirt which said "Super Biatch". She asked me what it meant, because I think she suspected something. How the hell was I supposed to explain "Super Biatch" in Chinese.? And anyway I had formulated a plan in my head; I had to make it sound inappropriate for her to wear it, but totally fine for me. And I succeeded. Hehe.
Yeah this post is going nowhere. So I'll add a few more photos from the last few days to make sure this has not been a total waste of time. (I haven't bothered to photoshop these)
To infinity and beyond.

"Do you trust me.?"
 Us trying to doing jumping photo with self-timer. Failed miserably.
 Then Colleen offered to take the photo, and after many attempts, we succeeded. Yayas.
 Colleen in "I'm cool" pose.
 Jenny in "Huh?" pose.