not really but you can pretend it is : ) .
it is more a post about how im going to have no money left if i keep spending time with jenny. but YAY i love her anyways --coz this is what i ended up with from our reeeeeally good day at bondi (minus the snooty lady at the one store where everything was 'so gorgeous'):
...skirt! ...and (something i vowed not to get:) high waisted skinnies !
. . .
well i just didnt wanna get the highwasted (thats right waste) ness. but i tried them on and they were just really good lol...and the cheap monday people were sooo nice ! but not in the lame i-want-you-to-buy-things-from-me nice, even though there would've been a bit of that...i mean the lady was helping me squeexze into skinnies and she was pulling me up so hard that my feet were practically off the ground! lol i think they've stretched already - which should be a good thing..
oh and yesterday was the last official on-fya meeting ...
 ... which made me a little sad : ( ...what makes me feel a little better are all the pretty happy notes we got to collect at the end ! -- 21 berlinder (ye take that) PLUS there were reeally nice mini lemon-flavoured cupcakes with yummy yummy frosting mmmmm. . .which reminds me :
i want some cheeeeeesecake! its been wayy too long. and good food month is nearly over : ( (so sorry cocheen for no sugar hit!)
there. i did it ! your sentence was on the top : ) up up and away - moey xox |
that's right >: /
ooooh are you wearing the blue skirt to formal?