beat that! |
ive finally figured out a way to view HAHA to china censorship - you can't stop jenny, i can even get onto wikipedia now too.
i really want a SLR camera. but my dads just got a new camera, so i doubt he'll get me one. plus the fact that they're about twice the price of normal ones, and i might as well start saving up for it myself. i used to think that theyre kinda pointless because theyre so big and chunky and that the photos turn out basically the same. but i realised that photos taken with SLR cameras are SO much better - they make every pic look professional. but i guess ill just manage with a normal compact one for now.
URGH i spent most of yesterday debating with moey on msn about what to do with my hair. she reckons that i should get a long straight fringe. so i decided to edit a photo [actually tried like 3 photos] to get a preview.
[photo taken in macau.] ahh..i reckon i look like an asian cleopatra. moey reckons it'll look good with my glasses, but i don't wanna be a xie fu clone.
im thinking, maybe just leave it as it is now. to cut or not to cut?
btw betty- your blog ain't working for me. im using those web proxy that we use at school, but when i try to go to your blog it tells me:
URL Error (1): An error has occured while trying to browse through the proxy. The URL you're attempting to access is blacklisted by this server.
also wanting a pair of vans. maybe some plaid ones. [don't want to get them in sydney, because for some reason the vans there just look like keds.] this calls for another shoping trip =) maan, i still have a billion things to buy. some for other peeps, some for me.
back to trying to make sense of french grammar right now, though.
this is the word of x ` jenny. |
I am so bad-ass that they have to prevent little children from absorbing dangerous materials from my blog.
And hey. You. nice. fringe.
I really thought you got that hair until I clicked to enlarge the image! It looks nice BUT in all honesty I don't think you'll be able to manage it unless you get a GHD.
Sydney is so humid right now I am envy of your winter clothes :(
I am so bad-ass that they have to prevent little children from absorbing dangerous materials from my blog.
And hey. You. nice. fringe.