The day that had once seemed as far away as the edge of the universe has finally come.
I am sitting in the nude coloured chair, just like the one I sat in on the first day of year seven six years ago. Lynn sits next to me, just like the first day, but Palak has replaced Tisha. The hall that had seemed so cavernous on that defining day had become familiar over the years; music performances, skits, awards, musicales, bin ball, and last but not least, exams.
 I wonder if I will finally cry today. It doesn't take long. Nina's speech finally triggers something, and the tears start to flow. I can't stop, but the year 7's cheese analogy helps. ("you are the rockfort. we are the plasticky cheddar.") .
 In the past, the graduation assembly had been like a wake up call that we were another year older, another year closer to the HSC. But the speeches themselves seemed so cliched and so cheesy. Not today. It's our turn now, and every word pricks me painfully and I cling onto it like it's my lifeline, like that awesome dream that fades faster with every second.
 It's nearly the end of the assembly. Ms Varady (she will be forever Ms to me) walks up to the podium again. She calls for Ms Young to come up. People start to joke that Ms Young is in trouble. Then.
"We too will be retiring at the end of this year."
Shock. We hold our breath, waiting for her to laugh "April Fools!" It doesn't come, and everyone hesistantly claps, still trying to process her words. My tears flow uncontrollably now. What will become of our beloved school now?
 I am walking through the tunnel of brown, white and yellow, and tears are flowing as liberally as the hot water in the common room on a cold morning. It's embarassing having the year 11s watch you while you are blubbering like an idiot. I know I look absolutely awful, but can't be bothered to care. Outside, everyone has puffy red eyes. Moey asks me whether I'm crying out of happiness or sadness; but I don't know.
 What will the school be like without Ms Young and Ms Varady? They, together with Ms Morrison, Ms Harper, Mr Mac and Ms Herbet are like the skeletons and the brains of this school. The school will move on, but it won't be the same. I wish every future student who is lucky enough to come through this school to have the same freaking fantastic experience as us, but I guess things must change. As Ms Young is so fond of saying, When one door closes, another one opens. Who knows, maybe our next principal and Head Welfare will be even better. Not that I believe it will be possible. I can't even begin to express how lucky and privilege I feel.
But I hope that enough of an impression has been left to last the school for years to come so that our school will continue to be what is arguably the best school in the whole freaking world. I don't want our school's glory days (if I may say so) to be over, as egotistic and elitist as it may sound.
But firstly we must make sure that we'll help keep up the school's glory for at least this year. So let's get crackin'.
(I'm still red and puffy eyed in this photo. =S )
Bon chance tout le monde. Good luck and all the best from the bottom of my heart. We will rock the world, Class of 08.
p.s. I still haven't taken photos with everyone =(