I've just watched Juno and OMG, it's one of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen. I tried to keep my expectations down at the beginning, because everyone's been raving about how good it is, and you know how inflated expectations tends to lead to disappointment. But there was no need for that;; it was so mesmerising that I'm still reeling a bit from it. Le sigh.
  Maths now just seems like the last thing I want to do.
OMG shit. I just realised that I can no longer play music on my computer. Shit. Last night Windows Media asked me to get update, so I did - but when it finished, it said that my copy of Windows was not authentic, and thus I couldn't use it anymore. Huh? Err, whatever, I thought, there's plenty of other media players on my computer. But no. None of the other players seem to be able to play songs - only movies.
Not that I usually play music on my computer - I normally use my stereo thing or listen to radio - but it's still rather sad.
ACTUALLY I've found one player that can play music. Except it can only play one song at a time, so that's basically useless. Urgh.