untitled 2. |
This is a total disaster;; So today my dad arrived from China - sans my MAC/Bobbie Brown brushes. I knew my Dad still haven't received them on Thurs, but I was hoping for a miracle. Obviously God wasn't happy with the way I've been neglecting him lately lol. Yeah and he forgot to buy my earphones - even if he remembered to bring a super-duper-ultra-fantastic bike for my brother. Who the hell buys a bike in China and brings it to Australia? I'm starting to think my Dad loves my brother more. =(
He also arrived with my great-grandma (91) . We had about a dozen or so relatives just perched at the entrance of the arrival gate; all of the other people seemed to get confuddled by all the fuss as she FINALLY exited. Oh the tension was just killing me. (that was sarcasm.)
For some reason everyone decided to congregate at our house, and only left about 20minutes ago. I don't think our poor little house has ever held so many people nor witnessed so many lame ass jokes.
Maybe if i get my hands on some photos I'll post them up, coz i know that you're all just DYING to see pictures of an old wrinkly lady. But i still think that she's got the coolest wrinkles ever. (I can see your creeped out expressions.) And she's as funny as shizz. And she's sleeping in my room. ?!
Crap. These holidays have TOTALLY been taken up by family stuff;; it's not like i resent it, but I was really hoping to get all my work done and revise some, and also take the chance (as next holiday i'd be frantically panicking about trials) to hang out more with friends.
And Mon won tickets and went to MTV awards tonight! =O I didn't particularly want to go to MTV, but how come exciting things like that never happen to me? I NEVER win stuff.
EDIT: AND OMG DAVID TENNANT PLAYS BARTY CROUCH JUNIOR IN 4TH HP MOVIE. Yeah...as a fan of Dr Who, I probably should've known this ages ago, but I don't really like the HP movies so I don't usually pay close attention. But I was when I watched it tonight. I think I scared my cousin lol.