"Use your brain!" "I tried, but it doesn't work!" |
-me; my brother.
So tonight we went to my Mum's fav Korean restaurant at stratty again. Normally, I'm pretty tolerant with my chili;; in fact I'm a fan of chili. But I ordered this "spicy rice-cake with sticky noodles" (it sounded yummy) and ZOMG it literally set my mouth on fire and even left me teary ! But as I was the one who ordered it, I was left to slowly nibble away at it between mouthfuls of water. Urgh.
Anyway;; I'm thinking of getting another pair of holes for my poor ears. I know I said somewhere in the not-so-distant-past that I won't get more than two holes in each ear (I know I once said I wouldn't get my ears pierced at all) ;; blame it on Nana. I'm trying to decide whether to get it right above my second hole or halfway up my ears. Or maybe even not get it at all. I can't even be bothered finding earrings for my two holes;; what am I going to do with three?
And I'm feeling really stingy at the moment, maybe because I spent my last $8 on the new Frankie, and haven't got a cent in my wallet right now.
aaaand a pretty picture for you;;

I feel fat. I already don't do enough exercise normally, but at least I get SOME exercise going up and down the stairs at school. Now I just sit on my bum all the time, or at most, walk around aimlessly, which unfortunately doesn't require energy, and hence does not burn fat.
Oh yeah; I kinda want to change the name of this blog.
1. you ALWAYS say you're pov. but you're NOT (as I have come to discover)
2. you're NEVER satisfied with your earthingums! so fussy :P
3. yeah the vanity is fair.... im used to it. it's sort of quirky but i mean, unless you have a better idea.
4. jenny i actually havn't shed any VISION upon you this holidays! our relationship is going cyber! :(
5. and i luff u
Haha get 2 piercings on one of your cartilages, and then we can be like SISTERS! *shudders at the thought*
Colleen: 1. What do you mean "as i have come to discover" ?! I know I'm not literally pov but I'm spending more that I should.
2. Blame Nana. All her piercings look so damn cool!
3. Lol one idea we were tossing up was "two holes in a wall" it's not as random as it sounds.
4. Yeah =(
5. I luff you too !
annoooooiiii: I can't get cartilage rmber =( Even if i could, I think the thought of being compared to you would've be enough to convince me to not do it.
1. you ALWAYS say you're pov. but you're NOT (as I have come to discover)
2. you're NEVER satisfied with your earthingums! so fussy :P
3. yeah the vanity is fair.... im used to it. it's sort of quirky but i mean, unless you have a better idea.
4. jenny i actually havn't shed any VISION upon you this holidays! our relationship is going cyber! :(
5. and i luff u