-Rose's way of explaining cramps. (I think this quote will be forever engraved in my memory - it might seem random and not very funny to you, but it was, at the time. It has led to many ovary jokes between us during maths, and even led to the creation of the 'Ovary Cannon' - a glue stick with those words scrawled in black permanent marker.) Btw NONE of you tell Rose I blasted all this onto cyberspace for the whole world to read lol.
Um. I noticed recently that I've been having trouble remembering peoples names, or even their faces in general. It SO embarrassing when someone goes to you, "Hey, I've met you before," and you just look at them blankly and go, "uh. Sorry... I've forgotten your name........" It's not like I a meet a lot of people generally, but it's still managed to happen 3 times this week. =( Maybe its premature memory loss. Maybe its that I can't see people's faces well coz I'm not wearing glasses (actually, I can.) But I prefer the excuse that it means I'm putting my memory space into better use by filling it with school stuff rather than faces and names. Yes, blame everything on the HSC.
Anyway, yesterday something triggered NANA cravings. I don't think any of you are anime/manga fans; it's this manga about two girls, both twenty and both named Nana. One of them is like a rock/punk, while the other is pink, frilly and girly, but they still manage to become really good friends. It's been made into a movie, which I have to admit has pretty crappy acting, but still, theres something alluring about it. I'm not normally a manga/anime fan (I first saw the movie on a plane lol) but yesterday I jumped on YouTube and watched the whole of the first movie again. God I love YouTube sometimes =)
I really want to get my hands on the manga, which apparantly is SO much better than the movie. So if the movie with its crappy acting manages to be so good, I'm sure the manga would be 100000x better lol. Its like one of the most popular ones in Japan, so it can't go wrong.
  I'm going to go on another rant now, coz this has been bugging me for a while now. I get kind of pissed off whenever I hear someone calling for people to boycott the Beijing Olympics, wholly or partially, to protest against China's treatment of Tibet. The Olympics are meant to be a friggin SPORTS event, meant to unite the world, not a political stage to divide the world.
I know that many people think that the Oympics, being such a major world event, is the only way they can get through to China. But you have to know how stubborn the Chinese government can be (isn't everyone?) - They'd have to be, having managed to put in place so much censorship and human abuses despite being criticized for so long. If the Chinese government is going to bend so easily to the wishes of foreigners, or even its own people, I don't think China would be the way it is now. Even if everyone boycotted the Games, China would still persist, and just hold them as a competition between themselves or something (thus winning every medal woot!), just to prove that they do not need world approval, nor support, for their actions.
And anyway, Tibet doesn't want to be "Free". They want autonomy, not independence. The Dalai Lama actually said it himself, and I remember reading the interview somewhere (can't find link again). There is a difference between the two - Tibet wants an autonomy where they control everything except defence and something else which i've forgotten, which might've been trade or something; and you know what independence is. So for those who go, "FREE TIBET!" - get your facts right.
And for those who are simply protesting against the treatment of Tibetan protesters by the Chinese, yes, they are overreacting, but you've got to keep in mind that it's not unprovoked (sounds like my brother and I lol) and that the Chinese government has suffered casualties too. And anyway, why is it no one seemed to care when during the APEC summit, Sydney police were caught on camera doing things no less condemnable? Yeah there was a small ripple of controversy, but none of the international condemnation that the Chinese are getting. Seems a tad discriminatory to me.
Before you all start bashing me and tell me that what Chinese Govt is doing is just plain WRONG WRONG WRONG, I've got to say that I don't support what the Chinese Govt is doing, but I don't support the boycott threats and the torch relay sabotages either, coz I doubt they will be effective in turning around the situation.
Wow this turned out longer than i thought =( . It's just that I was talking to one of my cousins in China and he was telling me about some of the Chinese people's anger over the boycott threats and sabotages, and how foreign media reports were misleading. I didn't for a moment take what he said as the truth (esp after the english topic lol) but it was what triggered this.
wow i didn't know the whole independence/autonomy thing.
i definitely think that the western media is demonizing the chinese government a lot despite the elements of truth that it sheds. but then again i bet you the chinese propaganda twists things a lot too.
as with all things, the world is a confusing place.
<3 you
The anime form is really good as well. Personally, i think the anime is just as good as the manga itself.
well more like the whole droopy black stuff and skinny jeans but in a very fashionable manner.
& yes i know him (is that even surprising?)
& i think my heart might be shifting.
:x uh oh
VH: apparently manga is still the best - even the anime isn't as good.
Colleen: your heart might be shifting? ooh looks like he's got brains and brawn lmao. btw i hope its not who i think it is that you're shifting from.
the manga is way better and you can download it off the net
wow i didn't know the whole independence/autonomy thing.
i definitely think that the western media is demonizing the chinese government a lot despite the elements of truth that it sheds. but then again i bet you the chinese propaganda twists things a lot too.
as with all things, the world is a confusing place.
<3 you