"My first rocknroll hero and icon came in the shape of Kurt Cobain. I was 12, it was summer, and Nevermind reached my young soul for the first time. Ah, the memories, haha. Well, I was never the same, and throughout the few teenage years I've lived this far, Nirvana has been a great source of inspiration. Being a, at times, bit-too-nerdy kid, it is beyond relaxing to screw it all to Smells Like Teen Spirit and get lost to Polly. I've always been sad about the fact that I never got to really experience Nirvanas time. I guess it's the same with Harry Potter, future generations will have no idea how it was to get a new HP book in their hands for the last time. But one thing that Kurt managed to pass on to me, even though I never really knew him, is to believe in the spirit of youth. Because you will never experience these years again, you will never feel these new, advanced, crazy, simple, silly emotions the way you do now. The experiences you get now will stick with you. So livelivelive."
Too lazy to write anything of my own, so I copied this from THIS blog. It particularly struck me, since we all just got our school reports today, and me, probably like many other people, made a bazillion vows to try harder for next assessments. But I always have to remind myself not to get too obsessed with work, because, as overused as it is, you're only young once.
And plus the fact I really like Kurt Cobain and Nirvana too.
[Yes, you've seen this photo before lol. I was too lazy to find a new pic of him.] |