click here for photos from last few days
And hear hear to Moey's post below. (the school bit, not the I'm-talking-about-a-guy-but-i don't-want-you-to-know bit.) At the moment I feel a bit like I've been ostracised out of the school. Some people from other schools have said that they're almost glad to leave their school, but I will definitely miss our nerd-haven.
To tell you the truth, I almost rejected the offer back then. I took the selective test, but my parents didn't really plan for me to go. So after term two year 6, my parents took the whole family back to China, and the plan was to stay there for two years and we would return in time for me to start year 9 back at my old school (my primary school also had a high school). My parents had sold the car, informed . And then I found out I got into Sydney Girls, and I had to make the decision whether I was gonna take the offer and drag the whole family back to Sydney after only 6 months, or stay in China at the crappy International School for another two years. I remember I felt so stressed that I had to make, what felt at the time, such a big decision. Eventually I decided to go to Sydney Girls. It was selfish, I know, but I'm glad I did. This would be my cue to gush on about the memories and our awesomeness, but I think that we've had enough cheesiness (lol I'll never see that word the same way again) to last us a while.
*Edit: I had something highly amusing I was gonna post, but due to a vow of truce that if broken involves shouting 4 ppl lunch, I have to abstain until tomorrow.
*Edit again: I just realised it's now technically Saturday.! that means I CAN post it. Harhar.
*Edit again: I'm a nice friend so I took it off. If you saw it, good for you, if you didn't...what can I say.
what what?? Kitty has a bf? Or is this some type of revenge on your part?