bang bang on the lawn, from dusk till dawn. |
The procrastination was getting ridiculous so I banned myself from the internet the few days before English ppr 1, but instead I just ended up going through ALL my photos on the computer, and found some pretty amusing photos. I was going to post another HOT photo of Betty to contest with the previous one posted, but that would be rather mean and Betty will most likely kill me.
So instead I present:
Superwoman Betty: Don't worry I will eat them all up and save you all! Sus: Uh oh I think the aliens have already found us, look at that disembodied arm.! Moey (look closely at her expression): Thats's just Danella's arm. Grow UP guys. *rolls her eyes*
haha being immature is fun.
And I realised I forgot to post the photos from Susanna's bday (sorry Sus) but I'm gonna have to do that next time because theres like twenty photos.
ROFL thanks jenny for making my day :)
danella x
ROFL thanks jenny for making my day :)
danella x