Koreans eat Chinese food because Korea is connected to China. |
I was illuminated to this previously obscure fact by a 8 year old boy today. lol.
It was so freakin' hot today. And I loved it. (For now. Maybe not so much when it gets to the point that even blinking makes you sweat.)
While everyone else are becoming so dedicated to their studying that they are even ditching their blogs, I decided to go shopping yesterday, and bought these.
 Hey, I was in desperate need of summer shoes. The ones on the right are Tony Biancos bought at Myer, but at Wanted we saw similar ones by 'glamourpuss' (omg can they be any more bimbo?). I know that this isn't so uncommon, but these were actually identical except the heel was taller and there was a choice of wedges, or stilleto-ey ones. Who's copying who?
Well to make the day legitimate we went to State in the arvo, and found Mon & co. It was pretty much: study an hour, take a half an hour coffee break, study another hour, ok cbb anymore, I'm going home.
But anyways, just as I was leaving, I noticed this cute (happy moey?) Eurasian guy. As I waiting around the lockers for Moey, lamenting the fact that I only discovered him so late, KABOOM this locker door next to my head springs open and nearly bashes me in the face. WTF? I turn around to glare at the person and then... I found myself staring at another hot guy. Oh man. He smiled sheepishly and apologised, but how can you be angry at a face like that?
Yeah, there seemed to have been an extra large amount of hot/cute guys at State that day, because as I was reading Jenny Jiang's blog (this post) she talked about this cute guy with an interesting shirt, and how she wrote him a note to tell him she liked his shirt. I told Moey about the post, and she replies:
le highing says: lol u shouldve done that to the cute guy that tried to smash ur face with his locker door le highing says: i wouldve liked to be his friend Jenny says: what would i say Jenny says: "i like you smashing the door in my face. =) " le highing says: LMAO le highing says: YES.
Hmm. Someone's getting desperate lol.
Speaking of hot guys, I found this link to Ms Varady's son's model profile page on the facebook group for SGHS old girls. Get ready to be blown away.
Anyways (how many times have I said it in this post?) during a break in my brother's DVD marathon, I noticed ABC was airing the debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, so I naturally sat down to watch it (you have no idea about the magnitude of fight that ensued to get the TV).
What can I say, any hope that I might have had for Sarah Palin just flew out of the room along with my brother (dw neither literally flew). There were so many faults with her arguments, but the most farcical was her and McCain's opposition to Obama's promise that he would sit down with the world's most controversial leaders, such Castro brothers and Kim Jong Il, to conduct talks to solve the nuclear weapons issue. She argued that them being so dangerous, sitting down for talks without preconditions set is ridiculous idea. Oh but she still supports diplomacy.
Um, but how are you supposed to set un-biased preconditions without holding talks? And setting preconditions without first holding talks is not called diplomacy, it's called implementing sanctions. I'm sure even a twelve year old could see this.
But in the end, I have to say there are still major problems with both parties. They keep reiterating that they want to reinstate America as the shining beacon for democracy, freedom, tolerance and human rights for the rest of the world. This literally made me gag. Guantanamo Bay? Abu Grahib? A President who vetoed a bill that would've banned torture during investigations? People threatening to kill the first African American Presidential Candidate? McCain's stance on gay marriages? If you want to be a leader symbolic of freedom and all things Christian, maybe you should fix up the problems within your own country first instead of invading other countries in the name of 'fighting terrorism' and 'democracy'.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'm off to watch War of the Worlds and watch the world getting destroyed and laugh at Tom Cruise.
OMG..Varady's son is a model o.0 lol..it must be good genes in that family :)
the locker-cuteguy incident made me laugh--totally funny. It's too bad I don't hang out at state, I need to give my eyes a holiday from the torture I've been putting them through :D
EG Fresian cows produce 'lot's of milk' and Jersey cows produce 'creamy milk'. By cross breeding,the hybrid cow produces 'lot's of creamy milk'...
what can i say?
and I don't normally find unasian guys hot O_O
LOL @ ur locker guy. HAhhaa =P
Im afraid to say this. But, if its the same eurasian person as im thinking, I know him.
I actually hope no one i know who knows him too will read this comment. I dont want ppl think that i think he's 'cute' Just pointing out that hes eurasian too.
This is an extra long comment to attempt to hide my shamefulness..
OMG..Varady's son is a model o.0 lol..it must be good genes in that family :)
the locker-cuteguy incident made me laugh--totally funny. It's too bad I don't hang out at state, I need to give my eyes a holiday from the torture I've been putting them through :D
EG Fresian cows produce 'lot's of milk' and Jersey cows produce 'creamy milk'. By cross breeding,the hybrid cow produces 'lot's of creamy milk'...
what can i say?