Cupcakes today after English Paper 2, to celebrate the END of English exams (for me and colleen at least.) OMG I couldn't stop grinning for most of the afternoon, that's how happy I was.
 Now for the photos from Susanna's bday, where after Pancakes we went to Norita [Betty I'm not THAT protective of it lol. Just keep it for special ppl =) ]
Playing pictionary.
 Betty is forced to draw BLIND

Betty: OMG this is impossible. So I'll slap my own face.

Our masterpieces.

Ice cream.

Playing Jenga.

Betty and her FLASH FLASH lomo camera. Everyone: OMG WHAT THE HELL WAS THE BRIGHT LIGHT?! oh just betty.
 Well we got bored, and since we had two sets of Jenga blocks, we decided to use one set to make a domino effect to try knock down the tower that Sus, Betty, Dani and I were building on our side of the table.
Attempt 1 failed...

Attempt two: attack from all sides.

Failed again. LOL our tower was just too good.

And then the nice lady gave a free piece of cake! I love it how they're so unstingy there. It became Sus's bday cake.

And then we decided to do some kind of Jenga death match. The person who loses has to eat five spoons of the remnants of the ice cream.

Everyone was SO tense it was freaking hilarious.

 Betty did.! EWW she actually seemed to enjoy it, she even ate ten spoons.
Yeah I have a lot of photos of Betty coz I was sitting across from her. DW I'm not stalking you Betty.
omg i love these photos!! :(
so happy to let my brain revisit fun times <3
AND.. my cupcake craving has increased EXPONENTIALLY since this arvo..(see im clearly studying for maths =])