having experienced 4 days of freedom i began to think back to school life and all the things i'll never ever have to do again, like:
be stampeded, wear ill fitting uniforms, worry about my lack of compass skills (or maths skills in general), wake up 'early', collect late/absence/permission slips... the kinds of things no one will miss : )
but then my list turned all nostalgic on me and my smile started to fade as i realised that leaving school means i'll also no longer: .. take advantage of free transport (hah. but this sucks for the new school kids too), act childish without fear/embarassment/guilt, loiter, have 'frees', enjoy cheap bottled water, have packed lunches in ugly 'cute' boxes with a big crowd of friends, trash m7, kick people out of rooms because my friends and i are the number 1 priority within an institution, eat copious amounts of food to relieve stress/studies, not clean my room for months on end, sit aimlessly because "i'm thinking dammit..."
the sad things keep growing on me - but ill stop all the whinging and think about my gains, like FREEDOM, aging and...contacts! (look who joined the bandwagon)
another find today was fashion toast. when i first took a peak and scrolled through all the loveliness i laughed because i saw this and thought 'hah clearly this woman remains imperfect!' (often when i wear jackets, it's to hide ugly necklines/seams etc)

unfortunately i had to do a double take because i scrolled to find the dress inside was equally as beautiful.

(although the jealous me continues to snide that maybe an ugly neckline hides behind all that hair!) now im just waiting to find a beautiful dress to call my own.. x
I know what you mean Moey, I'm gonna miss SGH and class of '08 so much also I'm beginning to feel my brain is turning into spaghetti...
OMG everyone is getting contacts except me, this sucks :p
(It's coz normal contacts don't correct my 'shadow/double effect on vision' in my left eye--born with many defects)