untitled 4. |
OK i don't really have anything interesting to say, but i just found THE most hilarious eavesdropped quote of all time: (from overheardinnewyork.com)
Guy: So I tried to set my password to "Penis". Girl: [...] Guy: It said my password wasn't long enough.
I'm still not over it.
Yeah and on the train coming back from State today, my cousin and I (go correct grammar!) got sort of accosted by this semi-crazy woman. After claiming she was a high school teacher, and telling us in great depth about her daughter, she went on to tell us the "secret" to acing the HSC: they recycle questions, and that was how she aced her ancient history exam. So I was like, "I don't think they do that anymore, because lots of people download past papers for practice." But she insisted they still do it.
And she also claimed that the people who set the english exam papers were from SGHS, because when you look at the top five for "General English" (WTH is that anyway.?) they all come from SGHS. Uh. Maybe we're just good?
At first she seemed just talkative..but as she continued to babble on and on and on the more I was convinced she was COO COO.
Crazy people scare me.
love the passsword joke!
wish i was that funny.
haha getting pestered by old ladies (as cruel as it sounds)... i feel for you...
LOL at the joke, pretty good for Jenny standard.
"Go correct grammar" what happened to Nicola and being senile?=D
love the passsword joke!
wish i was that funny.
haha getting pestered by old ladies (as cruel as it sounds)... i feel for you...