omg what am i doing here. |
i grow old i grow old i shall wear the bottom of my trousers rolled. hands up who still remembers it.
anywaay moving on from ts eliot, jenny aged another year today;; i feel like im being dragged/forced to grow up. i dont want to get older =( omg im sounding like a middle-aged woman already. seventeen sounds like i need to be mature... whereas 16 was still like a kid. kinda.
guess what my brother gave me as a prezzie? a ROSE cut from our garden. my mum reckons that it means he will become a flirt when he grows up. i kinda agree too.
btw thanks colleen for mochi cheesecake! tis yum yum yummy!
and being a mature seventeen year old also means that i should get back to studying for assessments =( i reckon i deserve some stress relief since its my bday today.
hm. im continuing to notice how much people have changed , now going into the year where everything counts. its quite scary;; i really hate it how now, whenever im not studying i feel guilty.
` x jenny tee. |
die, coleridge, die. then i can go on an imaginative journey about you burning in hell. |
well atm im trying to buy this graphic novel [Princess Mermaid by junko mizono. sounds so fob, but its actually.deep?] off ive never used it before;; and now i realise that there is NO way i can pay for it without using my mum's credit card. it doesnt accept paypal, it doesnt accept international money orders, and i cant pay directly from bank account coz im in australia.
bloody hell, i don't get how can be so popular. EVER HEARD OF GLOBALISATION huh?? im only from australia; im not from like the Galapagos islands or sth.
its so friggin difficult to buy stuff off the net without a credit card.
tonight... i just lowered my brother's innocence-o-meter by bout 60%. nothing too inappropriate. lets just say it started when he said that i was a boy.
ahh exams start in a week. i dont hate exams. I LOVE EXAMS. thats right, ive learnt to stay POSITIVE. yayas.
so i think im gonna avoid the net for about two weeks.
toodlies! x `jenny tee.
oh one more thing. i think that australia DISCRIMINATES AGAINST SMALL PPL. im serious! like when you get those free/prizes/promotional t-shirts, the sizes are ALWAYS. ALWAYS humongous, to the point where i can wear a medium sized t shirt as a dress.
like at priceline;; a while ago they were participating in this promotional thing where we had to wear special tshirts. the 'small' was like a shirt-dress for me. now they have special shirts for xmas; and guess what? they only had mediums[probs everyone else took the smalls] and its goes down to near my knees.
they always have really REALLY big sizes for the fat ppl[who can always lose some weight], but they never have xxsmall sizes for ppl like me.
its discrimination!! |
my dedication: procrastination. |
i reeeeally cannot do any work atm. i think i should go do english coz the cutting and pasting of my journal has some appeal, but. just cant. watched idol (shh), then rove and now . . .
well, hoping to make this post somewhat fulfilling by posting up promised pictures that some of you havent seen : O

cocheen & me 
cupcake company (of the year)
uh and now im in shock. my sister just threw out icecream. 'Apparantly' its bad to re-freeze icecream after its melted excuse me, icecream is good (and superdelicious) ANYTIME - it never goes off and thats part of its appeal!
confused, and now out! xox moey |
my pile of textbooks are growing exponentially. |
a couple of years ago, when i was not obliged to spend every night keeping up with the school work, istarted playing this riddle/puzzle game online, called notpron. its SO cool. i dunno if its the original one, coz theres now like a lot of them going around. but now, two weeks from assessments, i am once again addicted to it. damn.
speaking of addictions, today, for some reason during eco mr flano started talking bout this dinner thingy that he goes to regularly; not sure what it was, coz i wasnt listening at first. and they have this raffle thing at the dinner.
flano: and for the last five dinners, each time ive come home with a meat tray! my wife says to stay positive, so next time im gonna buy a bunch of tickets to win a plasma.
caroline: but being too positive is addiction.
LOL you had to be there.
THIS NXT BIT IS MA+RATED. so under 15s, SHOO. im only trying to protect your innocence.
so yr 12 jerseys; this means a period of an abundance of puns. warning, dont read these out loud if youre not alone.
αkenny1 [the 'a' is alpha]
b 4 i (root) u r u ————————— [cbb find the square root symbol] 16
1 — c [if you are that stupid, 1/cos = sec] cos
i b 6 u b 9
see how annie is polluting my mind during those eco lessons?
x ` jenny |
toot toot. |
just a lil bored atm.
loving alicia keys more and more; i want her album as i am now.
just a couple of minutes ago i was trying to get my bro to sit up straight in his chair:
me: sit up straight or otherwise you'll get a giant hunchback like the hunchback of notre dame. no girls will like you then.
him: so?
me: well you'll never get a girlfriend.
him: I dont like girls.
me: oh you will one day; eventually. Why do you think dad married mum?
him: i'll like women. not girls.
me: girls become women.
him: no they don't.
this is one of the highly philosophical convos that i have with my 6 yr old bro. btw i was joking bout the gf bit peeps. dont get stressed, im not trying to sexualise my brother earlier than necessary.
more pretty things from MAC. I want want! just coz its pretty to look at.
x ` jenny tee.
LATER. OMG MY COUSIN WENT TO KILLERS CONCERT. ME = V. JEALOUS. somebody told me, you had a boyfriend, who looked like a girlfriend that i had in February of last year, its not confidential, ive got potential, rushinarushina round!
aaaw. my heart is aching. btw soz alex for stealing your piccies. im sure you wont read this anyway. |
swish swiss swatch |
try saying that lots of times really fast. hehe.
im so easily amused these days;; probs coz my daily routine is made up of school, homework, food and sleep. seriously!
everything is so hectic. i feel overwhelmed by work. can't believe that first hsc assessment is in less than 3 weeks.
nevertheless, i still have the time to put up the rest of the pics from semi.
voila, its the BEFORE FORMAL.

groupie! me, colleen, rose, haeran, suss.
 mmm sushi from makoto . ohhh i drooling just remembering it..
 presenting... dessert! mm strawies n cream.
 omg what is moey doing in back there?!?!
 and here is the seductress herself. tut tut.
 look out! the seductress is making her moves again, this time on poor rose.
 at least theres someone who still retains her innocence. thank God.
 last but not least... presenting susssssssss.
for the DURING & AFTER SEMI photos, go to THIS post. unfortch, they feature jenny tee n colleen only.. coz moey for some reason was no where near cameras.
and speaking of moey, CONGRATS ON FYA. i guess you guys proved me wrong when i said we'll kick you ass. oops. congratoolations moey, monique, belinda, nicola, donna, poo, aleks + all the other group members that i dont really know. [hope i didnt leave anyone out] oh yeah and raymond too.
mm we finally got the yr 12 common room on monday! i am already growing dependant on the food facilities there.. ie, microwave, fridge, sandwich maker, hot water, tea... oh dear common room, you will make yr 12 more bearable. thankyou, those lovely builders who built you.
soz moey for the temporary un commitment i am showing to this. surely you understand that id rather be doing MATHS than blogging. btw make your piccies bigger. they hurt my eyes.
toodlies. x `jenny tee.
ps. watch watch soko's "I'll kill her" sounds emo, but its sokyute. hehe. jenny's version of [an unoriginal] pun. |
company of the year. duh. |
on-fya (the super cool, kickass, 3-time winning, multi-nominated, much loved, very special, lovelycompany which moey is EXTREMELY PROUD to be apart of) is company of the year!!!!
and like the title suggests DUH. : P being modest is overrated - i kid of course ! (about modesty)
the after effects were that me and cocheen could barely keep the hype down the next day...... :
ahh -it was a really good night in those respects, and the food wasnt bad either.. i mean not to die for but enjoyable at least : ) plus seeing so many of our group for the last time was reeeally sweet, very many good hugs and happy snaps were to be had. and haha even some dodgy dancing in there for some (like yours truly) ! i know someone feels disappointed that she was a no show despite many a nagging ----COUGHbelindaCOUGH i also have this blurry shot of the super sweet, super shiny, YAA cupcakes! branded and everythingg.... but all that goes up when i get some better (and by that i mean ANY. please send them over!!) pictures : p out for now.. xox moey |
rosie is such a loverly nosie she deserves a round of 'plausies |
grr. this is a re-posting of the post i was gonna type up but failed to BECAUSE OF STUPID ACCIDENTAL CLICKING OF THE BACK BUTTON . WHYYYYY.
woah i mostly start my posts off angry or annoyed. such a whiner : ) anyways i am wishing my little-but-not rosie really good things !! because i shouldve wouldve but didnt ! ( she will get me xox )
so yes. i was typing about how good today was, irregardless of the fact that i stayed in for most or all of it -first tutor, then work and.....also how good my saturday was, making up for that :
- i got lost on the way to meeting cocheen ( but only for a tiny wincy bit )..and from there we went to market (!) where there were some reeally good finds in the three stores that bothered to set up in the drippy weather, including................................. THIS: 
yay : ) afterwards we had accidental-identical brunches consisting of - sourdough toast with ricotta, orange & raisins
- yummy yummy (forgot the name) egg wrap
- soy chai lattes (of course : P)
really good. then we met my sister --meaning we actually went to hers afterwards ( no pics of that ) and so now there are two dresses for 'ball' on friday, in my room, waiting to be decided on... theres a coral/pink halter dress - kinda low, but plain and long (making up for the low-ness) and the other is silverr! its strapless and has this dark fuscia sash that makes this really nice bow, and the bottom is a little ruffly .. im thinking that the pink looks better on me and that i do have shoes to go with .. if anyone has a long gold necklace --please ! its kind of a bit late to be bothered to shop for any oh. and i need an imaginative journey text : ( the one i was going to choose (middle of the hill . josh pyke) fell through so yeh. haha i think im going to do buffy AGAIN. my god i can't believe that after analysing episodes in y9 (possible y10) and this year i still think its justTHATgood. well it kinda really is THATgood so shouldn't be too suprising **hinthint at all the non-fans out there, you losers** but what else? there was this quite funny short film A-Z that showed on tropfest 2007. and its kinda imaginary coz what the journey thing he does is all in his head (or is it? i got a bit confused at the end, plus its all cartoony so ye) MYGODiamreallygonnstoptalkingaboutschoolworkrightNOWWWWW. haha and to make it certain i will leave. bbye ! xox moey |