Tuesday, November 11, 2008



see you guys there.!

this is the word of Moey and Jenny tee as at 10:17 PM - 0 comments
Monday, November 10, 2008
In the barlight she looked alright, but in the daylight she looked desperate.

I've stayed at home for the last two days and I'm already bored to death. Not that there's nothing to do. In fact, Moey and I were both commenting yesterday how this period of post-HSC is just as hectic and stressful as during-HSC. Except that if I continue procrastinating on:
  • my tax return, I will be commiting a crime (as Moey kindly reminded me).
  • looking up food sources in Coffs, we will all starve.
  • looking up places to go in Japan, I will end up wasting my trip (dad just bought tickets for the 6th to 15th;; that leaves me with just two days after I arrive in China to get a haircut, buy new shoes and repack).
  • getting my formal dress hemmed and finding accessories, I will end up looking like I'm wearing a potato sack.

But I did get some stuff done today, it's just cleaning and packing isn't very stimulating. I got so bored that I dyed my hair in the afternoon. It looked like a dark brown on the box but now my hair actually looks darker. Was my hair seriously that light before??

Being this cloud must be lonely.

I need. to get out of the house.

P.S This is the last day that we're going to be using this blog.! Starting tomorrow, we will be posting in the new one. =)
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 7:42 PM - 0 comments
Saturday, November 8, 2008
two hundred and thirty six bucks
got me this yesterday:

Cheap Monday jeans in navy blue, red and bright blue, plaid shirt that looks like it came from 80's; and also this little bag from Vinnies which reminds me of Chanel 2.55 (bit of a stretch I know). Since I can't really afford the real one right now, this will have to do until I find a rich man to marry.

I was getting kind of sick of my monochromatic wardrobe, which explains these blinding colours.

Today, we went to Chatswood and Dani and I found our formal dresses. I had already gotten a dress made by a friend of my mum's; however it turned out rather unflattering and it fixing it would've involved taking the whole thing apart so eventually I decided to get a new one. When I told my mum, she got extremely offended and threw a tantrum, but what could I do? I do not want to spend the night feeling embarassed and sulking in a corner. But I think I'm going to stay home for the next two days and take her to dinner to make sure she doesn't ground me for life.
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 8:25 PM - 4 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
the musings of the mundane

ok so normally i enjoy the smelly cheeses; extra vintage? extra mould?
yes please!

but i think the fetta we bought recently was goat or something? and the smelly taste is way too..different. i crumbled it over some yummy rye bread and lathered it with green cpasicum, tomatoes, salt and pepper. i proceeded to toast it to a warm perfection.........but the smelly taste persisted. i had to add some 'italian herbs' (not fresh, those bottled dried things) to balance it out. my taste buds are thankful.

weatherwise today has been such a wonderful day and i think the photos of our last day of school together, make it even more so.

miss everyone <3

this is the word of moey as at 12:47 PM - 2 comments
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
The world looks more beautiful on this side.
because Obama has been elected the 44th (ironic how it's a rather unlucky number in Chinese) President of the US. and of course, because I'm now completely. and utterly. DONE. with this bittersweet HSC business.

Although I was pretty sure that Obama would win, there was always a small part which feared otherwise, maybe because of rigged votes, people changing their minds last minute, and of course the phenomenon that Colleen keeps mentioning (but can't remember the name of).

His win is like a breath of fresh air with his promises of change and proactive-ness. I'm hopeful, but you know, election promises are often empty and hopes are shatterable.

In any case, I'm just glad that Palin won't get a chance at the White house... at least for the next four years. Believe it or not, there are some women who are determined to see a female in the White House and swore to back her if she runs in 2012.

That's completely taking feminism the wrong way. It's about equality, not superiority. I myself would love to see a woman in the White House, but I wouldn't support her regardless of her policies or her competence. I would rather have another term of George Bush than have Palin. Because frankly, she scares me. I won't go into it because I'll end up getting too worked up over it.

And my parents are kicking me out of my room.! My dad is telling me that they only gave me the biggest room in the house because of all the shit that they knew was going to accumulate during high school. So now that I've finished high school, I'm getting the second worst room in the house (actually I've just realised that my room is the only good room in the whole house).

My parent's room is extra stuffy and it looks out onto the street (that's not really legitimate complaint because there's these giant bushes infront of our fence anyways). It's just that I've spent the last year or so trying to make my room into my petit coin so I'm really reluctant to leave it. Can't believe they're making me move.

But I guess it means they accept that I'm moving out then?

P.S I'm a bit late on this but I can't believe that they are getting rid of free travel for school kids. I though that in Australia, every child has the right to free education? Doesn't that include travel? Although they say that there will be financial help for struggling families, it probably still won't mean free travel, and it's unavoidable that it will have an effect on school attendance rates. They justified it by saying that kids can always go to their local public school; but as one who has travelled 50mins to get to school every day for the last 6 years, I have strong objections to that.

P.P.S I've also deleted almost all trace of high school work from my computer. I found it wonderfully therapeutic.

High school is truly a thing of the past now.

this is the word of jenny.tee as at 8:33 PM - 1 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
losses and finds.

having experienced 4 days of freedom i began to think back to school life and all the things i'll never ever have to do again, like:

be stampeded, wear ill fitting uniforms, worry about my lack of compass skills (or maths skills in general), wake up 'early', collect late/absence/permission slips... the kinds of things no one will miss : )

but then my list turned all nostalgic on me and my smile started to fade as i realised that leaving school means i'll also no longer:
take advantage of free transport (hah. but this sucks for the new school kids too), act childish without fear/embarassment/guilt, loiter, have 'frees', enjoy cheap bottled water, have packed lunches in ugly 'cute' boxes with a big crowd of friends, trash m7, kick people out of rooms because my friends and i are the number 1 priority within an institution, eat copious amounts of food to relieve stress/studies, not clean my room for months on end, sit aimlessly because "i'm thinking dammit..."

the sad things keep growing on me - but ill stop all the whinging and think about my gains, like FREEDOM, aging and...contacts! (look who joined the bandwagon)

another find today was fashion toast. when i first took a peak and scrolled through all the loveliness i laughed because i saw this and thought 'hah clearly this woman remains imperfect!' (often when i wear jackets, it's to hide ugly necklines/seams etc)

unfortunately i had to do a double take because i scrolled to find the dress inside was equally as beautiful.

(although the jealous me continues to snide that maybe an ugly neckline hides behind all that hair!)

now im just waiting to find a beautiful dress to call my own..


this is the word of moey as at 9:34 PM - 2 comments

vanity is fair.
this was jenny.tee and moey's blog from October 2007 - October 2008.

Click here to go to our current blog.

  • WE HAVE MOOVED.we-started-everything.blogspot.coms...
  • In the barlight she looked alright, but in the day...
  • two hundred and thirty six bucks
  • the musings of the mundane
  • The world looks more beautiful on this side.
  • losses and finds.
  • how do you say ADHD in Indian?
  • It's time to decrypt the cryptic-ness.We are ditch...
  • live it. love it. leave it.
  • I'm out to treat this like the sky's no limit.
  • when we were young.
  • October 2007
  • November 2007
  • December 2007
  • January 2008
  • February 2008
  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • May 2008
  • June 2008
  • July 2008
  • August 2008
  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
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