thats the way the cookie crumbles. |
OH so stuffed atm.
lets see;; this morning, had yumcha with grandpa's side of the family. we stayed there till like noon [in china yumcha is for breakfast] and ended up skipping lunch. then lil more shopping; tried to look for moey's red plaid shirt coz i saw some men's shirts on sale. But omg it was so embarassing; all the ppl were looking at me with a 'wtf' expression. ppl just don't crossdress here.
speaking of plaid, yesterday i bought this red n black plaid-ish scarf. =) jos style, once again.
arvo, went to my great grandma's place. my great aunt happened to be here from hk with her daughter [my aunt] and my lil cousin. you can imagine the hulabalub. i attempted to learn mah-jong, and now i get the game. its a lil like cards... but so much faster =(
evening, drove about 45mins to this bogan country to have dinner with dad's friends. twas at this riverside 'restuarant', with those tacky plastic chairs and the coal stove. so bloody freezing! but oh so delicious. chicken and geese, and their respective organs which i shall not name inorder not to disgust you. look how considerate i am. Don't think i need to eat till dinner tmr.
a couple of days ago, i started jogging for 15 mins every morning to make up for the way i have been straining my stomach walls.
today i told my dad that i was planning to move out in uni. surprise suprise, [i still cant rmber how to spell suprise properly] he goes, 'you can't. you can't move out will you start full time work.' um, EXCUSE ME. i'll be a friggin adult by then. you can't tell me what i can or can't do. If he had said, 'you shouldn't move out because etc etc' then i wouldn't have minded. But he actually meant that i wasn't allowed; I wasn't even asking for permission. Thats a control freak for you. It took me so much effort to bite back my retort. My dad is even less pleasant than my mum when he's pissed.
le sigh. i don't think im gonna bring it up with him anymore. When the time comes, I'll just tell him and move my fat butt outta the house before he has time to put up barricades or sth.
URGH. i think i've had enough shopping for now. Tmr planning to stay home and get some work done, while my bro and cousin goes to the zoo. today at yumcha i was forced to listen to how another cousin in the grade below me comes home from school at 10pm, stays up to finish hw till 1am and has school on saturday. Do you think im interested? I have my own bloody time management problems to think about. ah whatevs.
x ` jenny tee. btw the time in china is 3hrs slower than in aus, which means its still 30 dec here. almost 2008! uh oh. 2008 = hsc
dad still hasn't bought mirror yet. and guess what. to read my camera's card thingy i have to use my dad's laptop. i don't want to show my dad all my random pics =S |
cupcakes - 498 to go |
chillax jenny im here. haha any excuse to use that ugly ugly word.
well. had work today and realised that i was too stuffed to do anything when i came home....SO instead of being a fatbumbum and staring at the television screen (or facebook) i decided to bake 1 of the 500 cupcake recipes in my handy dandy '500 cupcakes' cookbook (and ive already made espresso cucakes hence this entry is wittily titled '498 to go' )
'blueberry muffins' - because we have stacks of blueberry punnets (apparently they were on sale):  anyways, even though i got to use my brand new cupcake cups : D i soon realised that they didnt actually turn out very good........kinda heavy, not as cakey as they should be.
but then again its a muffin technically, so it is supposed to be a bit dense - but really, even muffins have a cakey, crumbly(?), light texture : (
But hey they look pretty good though ...
 and looooooook - colours !!!!!!!!!!!!!! those cupcake cups have made it all worth it - failure or not : )
now i am listening to onerepublic album (dreaming out loud)- favourite song is ' won't stop ' - he has a really good voice, that lead singer man dude :
' i swear its i swear its i swear its youu that im waiting for i swear its i swear its i swear its youu that my heart beats forr ' shut up. its not that soppy ok? xox moey (damn i wish i had some gossipgirl) |
where's moey? |
jenny is now in china!
so i arrived on saturday night with an extremely obese suitcase. [half of it was my mum's crap]
sunday, went shopping with parents. got home at like 10pm. bought 2 cardigans, 1 jumper, a coat, and a pair of heels. best thing about shopping with parents is i dont have to worry about running outta cash;; im serious, if you go to proper shops you can't get anything decent for less than $300. thats ALOT of cash to carry when theres always danger of being pickpocketed. =( and i don't have bank card either.
monday, stayed home to do a lil french and rewatched summer heights high on youtube. i <3 broadband.
tuesday, went to church at noon. tried my very best to not fall into a deep slumber. sorry Jesus - your bday parties just ain't very interesting. in fact, less interesting than normal sunday ones. Later, went to dinner with parents, then shopping. I was looking for sunnies;; found a pair of Dior pink aviator ones. $5000 [they were real]. oops. ran away politely. also saw the HOTTEST pair of shoes. mum is making me get them later coz of sth about wanting to count the membership points as nxt years...
today, was gonna stay home, but dad said there were vouchers to be used up. so shopping again;; FOUND M.A.C! and bought a whole heapa stationary. also bought a [fake] Dolce n Gabbana bag. i didnt buy it coz it said D&G though;; i just thought it was really MMMmm.
i would take pics, but unfortch there isnt a SINGLE full length mirror in the WHOLE house. my dad STILL hasn't gotten me one yet. so will have to wait till i get one !
something about my computer/internet in china/blogger is screwed, and i can't read anyone's blog, including this one. I can post, but i won't be able to check whether sth is screwed.
my dad is making me take tennis lessons. so after two lessons, i can now hit the ball into the correct area, most of the time. horay. i am making such GREAT progress.
I really wanna do sth for NYE, but i dont know what =( peeps here just go to some square to count down with some lil fireworks, but that sounds kinda squishy. we're also going to macau and hk on the 2nd and 3rd. more shopping!
im tired now. =(
x ` jenny tee. |
tis summer indeed! |
BUTTON TREE: [] the buttons/badges are so de-licious! mm they're buttons, but handmade using vintage cloth. oohh so want one;; mais je dois economiser en ce moment, donc, je ne les achetera pas. Quel dommage =(

[from frankie, jan/feb 2008 issue]
but on the other hand... today we left school at 12 to go to moey's place for a bit of lunch. Then off to Myer to buy some nail polish for jenny;; took a while, but eventually i got these two from Missha and also this eye tip thing with eyeliner+eye shadow. so much for economiser.
 i really dont like shopping in school uniform. the shop assistants never bother coz they reckon that school kids aren't gonna buy anything. but i couldnt do anything about it today;; i didnt bring clothes to change since i wasnt planning to go to city.
now i've got a headache. think ill go take shower and sleep a bit.
x ` jenny tee.
ic-ic-ic |
the hols are taunting me every second at school. dont you just hate it how time goes sooo much more sloowweerrr when youre looking forward to sth?
anyway;; yesterday our maths class had a party, and also gave mr ladmore a christmas pressie.
meet laddy cacty:
 and meet our maths class. yes i know, i look retarded.
 two days ago my cousins wife had a lil baby boy! so i am now an aunty =) lol, my cousins lil bro was so funny;; he was like, "my goal was to be the world's youngest uncle. i've reached it now!" so we went and visited them tonight. everyone held the baby and took a photo, but i cbb uploading them all. so being the self centred person i am, i post THIS one:
blame the blurriness on my cousin who was holding the camera.
today, we watched one and a half episodes of buffy in english. OH and then we went and watched 'hunting and gathering'. Its not a masterpiece, but i think its better made then all the american crap. worth the money, too.
now im off to resume plotting how to scare a friend by getting another friend to pretend to be a gangster.
x ` jenny tee. |
wrinkles. |
atm everything is very. theres just no words for it. i guess the fact that we [me, berni, phuong] spent our free period doing the crossword and target word explains it better.
so, i am preparing myself to become a workaholic. by watching america's next top model. i am sooo glad that gina, the asian girl finally left. too bad for asian pride;; she was just soo painful to watch. maybe if she took modelling lessons or sth? i dunno why, but asians are generally pretty crappy models. africans are soo much hotter;; they have way longer legs and theyre always so exotic looking. mmm. i guess ill just have to settle for pretty clothes then.
cant wait for hols. chance to shop shop shop, and then nerd nerd nerd. i reckon i will become a workaholic when school starts again. i really wish i could watch the sydney new years fireworks though =( i think in all my life, i have only watched it once. every year, i am stuck with the tiny pathetic ones in china. hmph.
i wish that nail polish did not smell.
x ` jenny tee. |
jennyteeisverytired. |
i was just reading this person's blog;; its completely screwed. one moment he's totally in love with this woman, but nxt post he swears he's gonna forget her, not let her play him again. and i dont think hes the only person that this happens to.
humans are pretty screwed up sometimes. other animals, they hook up, fertilise and move on. none of these stupid wild goose chases.
on a happier note, today at tutoring was completely heelarious. everyone was kinda hyper, by the end everyone had given up working. some rui quotes: "Why is there so much love making in this room?" "you're a pretty bimbo" "omg i don't want a penis on my ruler!" [thanks to kevin fong]
ahh we shall miss rui nxt year.
tmr will be colleen's bday dinner =) mmm shall be exciting to try out Rise. my grandma was panicking that there weren't gonna be any buses for me that late at night. bloody hell. my whole family is so overprotective. I don't know how they're gonna cope when i move out in two years time.
x ` jenny tee. |
gobbly gook |
i love this mum-free-ness. most of the time.
BUT at least my mum doesnt keep bugging me to eat more;; my grandma keeps telling me how much my cousins eat - cousins who are BOYS GOING THROUGH PUBERTY. DUH they should eat twice as much as me.
and my mum can drive too.
i was just watching kid nation on tv;; tis really interesting, kinda reminds me of 'lord of the flies' and omg some of the kids are soo bitchy already. and in this episode they were thinking about killing these chickens so that theyll have fresh meat. and then one kid goes, "are they gonna hang them like saddam hussein?" LMAOOO that was heelarious.
mm. im sloowly starting to get addicted to the crossword and target words on the back of the newspaper;; like i just HAVE to finish the crossword and at least get enough words for 'good' in target word.
maybe itll help me get better marks in eng?
im just thinking about the movie 'the heartbreak kid'. that has got to be the crudest movie ive seen in a while. sex, boob and penis jokes... and its kinda sexist. oh well, why am i wasting my time on such a movie.
and FINALLY 'princess mermaid' is on its way to jenny! i hope it arrives before i have to get on the plane so i that will have entertainment. i swear, while other airlines are PROGRESSING in terms of movies and stuff, china southern have actually REVERTED back to the communal movie screens. its like going back to the 1990's. that book costed me $20. the shipping costed more than the actual thing;; if i had found it in a shop here, i wouldve paid like $15.
back to maths. le sigh. today jenny got her second kk clue, and SHE CRACKED IT lol. yayas.
x `jenny tee. |
KK: kinda konfusing. |

WHO is this 'material girl' ? and whats with the 'mwah!n' ? yes. i am a bad decipher-er. moey.
Wishful thinking. |
just because. here is a wishlist for all of you to think about ; )
* anna sui nail polish (#304)
* white collard shirt
and shut up jenny. it was flippy. haha im gonna get up early tomorrow and make myself some flippy flippy hair goddamit !
xox moey [bought items removed] |
moey should blog more. who agrees? |
talking about victoria's secret show:
fluro fixation says: <-moey and their hair is like fluro fixation says: flippy flippy
ahh .. glad to see the person doing 4u eng has such an extensive vocab.
nicked this off someone. [x] Mum [x] Dad [ ] Stepmum [ ] Stepdad [ ] Step siblings [x] Brother [ ] Sister [ ] Nephew [ ] Niece [x] Cellphone [ ] My own bathroom [x] My own room [ ] Swimming pool [ ] Hot tub [ ] Guest room [x] PC [x] TV [ ] A bed that's bigger than what's normal [x] More than four pairs of shoes [x] Sunglasses [x] Watch [x] Mp3 player/iPod [ ] PS2 that works [ ] Nintendo Wii that works [ ] Xbox that works [ ] Nintendo 64 that works [ ] Gameboy/Advance [ ] Gamecube [ ] Nintendo ds [ ] Poker table [x] Basketball hoop [ ] Hockey game [ ] Pool table [ ] Ping-Pong table [ ] Fussball [x] Bedside table [x] Stereo in my own room [x] CD player [ ] Clothes Abercrombie og Fitch or Hollister/AE [x] ATM card [x] Job [ ] Shopping at least once a week [x] Expensive perfume [x] AIM/MSN [x] Camera/video camera [x] Telephone [ ] Scooter/motorcycle/car [ ] Gitar/drums/bass [ ] Piano/Keyboards [x] Another instrument [ ] Been on safari [x] Been abroad [ ] Personal trainer [x] Expensive jewelry [ ] Met a celebrity [x] Flat iron [ ] 1000 kroners (approx. $185) in cash right now [ ] Creditcard [x] Travelled in Europe [ ] Been to Hawaii [ ] Been to USA [x] Been to Asia [x] Been to Australia [ ] Been to Africa [ ] Been to South America [x] Parents own a car [ ] Jetski/boat [ ] Camper [ ] Car [x] Homemade food practically everyday [ ] Driven in a limousine [x] Flown in a helicopter [x] Own a video camera [ ] Own laptop [x] Own stationary PC
TOTAL SUM: 1-23 = Ghetto kid 24-33 = Average 34-40 = Spoiled rotten 41+ = Upperclass
x ` jenny tee.
leeeeeeeeek |
SO. yesties, all [seven of us] met up at school [wasnt my idea] and was thinking about eating lunch at surry hills; but then realised that the places there tended to be small, so we ended up tromping off to darling harbour. omg so many school kids! so, had some yummy yummy seafood at this restaurant called 'blue fin' i think? i reckon that was pretty good, but it was a very touristy restaurant.
we were wandering around darling harbour a bit;; and then KABOOM colleen's inner child exploded. and brought the rest of our's out. AND THEN since rose was desperate for icecream from pasisonflower, we all tromped back to capitol and stuff ourselves;; its our reward for finishing the exams in one piece i guess.
AND THEN jenny was like 'let's go k!' but no one except colleen and rose wanted to go. so, just the three of us went k for an hour. mmm so fun, sang heaps of old school songs... dancing queen, spice girls [lol]
AND THEN.. in our particular room there was this little niche-like thingy -like a chunk taken out of the wall. by the end of the hour we got tired from singing dancing queen at the top of our voice so we crammed climbed in for some fun. and:
    AND THEN we got out and it STORMED; obviously the trains were screwed, but we were saved by the buses. off to jenny's house! decided to watch some movies that night. biggest piece of irony ever:
rose: youre always sleeping after one movie. colleen: no, i've improved! ONE movie later:: colleen: i think im gonna go to bed now..
so;; we ended up watching fight club [SO good.] and then howl's moving castle. you could almost call it them on different ends of the spectrum. rose and i ended up staying up till 3 or 4, and woke up at 10 =( mucked around, made some bailey's and coffee and then guess what; i had my five hour maths tutoring. and a 4u test. kevin fong: would you rather be raped or have your mum killed? shirley: umm depends on the guy? kitty: no one wants to rape you in the first place fong.
oh wellsies, i survived it. twas a good two days =) tmr, planning to stay home. watch some more dvds perhaps. chaaarming.
x ` jenny tee.
is moey in a coma? |
kaaaaboosh. |
I Am Freeeeeeee.
[for the next three days at least.]
um. i am lost for words. i feel so .. out of touch with society, like ive completely forgotten ALL social skills. how sad ='(
not to worry;; tmr gonna meet up with danelli, moey, rose, hr, colleen, dunno if betty willing to sacrifice her sleep, then gonna eat lunch at surry hills, pour fêter le fin des examens. i think that from now on, im gonna type these posts in french as well, since im always talking about myself here. tis will be good practice.
i got my first candy cane today =)
i spent the whole afternoon cleaning up my room, and i still havent finished - thats how messy it was. but i dunno why, a neat room just makes me happy.
a random photo::
mm a hot guy?
x ` jenny tee. [is off pour me suis un peux lâché] |