eeeeks! |
jenny i currently obsessed with THIS song:
Soko - I'll kill her so, of course, you were supposed to call me tonight you were supposed to call me tonight we would have gone to the cinema and, after, to the restaurant, the one you like in your street
we would have slept together, have a nice breakfast together and then a walk in a park together, how beautiful, and then you would have said "i love you" in the cutest place on earth where some butterflies are dancing with the fairies
i would have waited like a week or two but you never tried to reach me no, you never called me back you were dating that bleach-blonde girl if i find her, i swear, i swear...
i'll kill her, i'll kill her she stole my future, she broke my dream i'll kill her, i'll kill her she stole my future when she took you away
i would have met your friends, we would have had a drink or two they would have liked me, 'cause sometimes i'm funny i would have met your dad, i would have met your mum she would have said "please, can you make some beautiful babies?"
so we would have had a boy called tom and a girl called susan, born in japan
i thought it was a love story, but you don't want to get involved i thought it was a love story, but you're not ready for that ...
me neither. i'll kill her she stole my future, she broke my dream i'll kill her, i'll kill her she stole my future when she took you away
she's a bitch you know, all she's got is blondeness not even tenderness, yeah, she's cleverless she'll dump your arse for a model called brendan he will pay for beautiful surgery 'cause he's full of money
i would have waited like a week or two but you never tried to reach me no, you never called me back you were dating that bleach-blonde girl if i find her, you know, i swear, i swear, i swear ...
i'll kill her, i'll kill her she stole my future, she broke my dream i'll kill her, i'll kill her she stole my future when she took you away i'll kill her, i'll kill her she stole my future, she broke my dream i'll kill her, i'll kill her she stole my future when she took you away
man, i told you, you know, if i find her, i really, i, i mean, i'll kill her, for real! it's like for sure, you have to know, uh, i mean, you know, i can do it, man, i'll kill her.
go listen to it on youtube or something;; it might sound emo, but its actually like ... awwwwwww. im gonna go and see if i can buy her album tmr =)
and pleease peeps. this has nothing to do with me >.>
x` jenny.tee |
if you drive like hell... you'll get there. |
urgh everything is getting reeeally hectic right now, with all the extra curricular stuff and the tonnes of hw that i get. like, there is only ONE day outta every weeks that i go to school normal time. I spend most of my free periods doing maths hw, either from school or tutoring, and then i go home n do MORE maths hw. its taking over my life ='( its such a bloody waste of time. at least with eng, you end up with a masterpiece of some sort [ahem] but with maths.... after expanding n simplifying a billion times, you end up with some lame, pathetic number. whaaat.
 peace yo! notice the maths in the background? made it in tutoring today. its a testament to the boredom that i face weekly.
im gonna put up a wish/to buy list.
x `jenny tee.
p.s the title of this post was from the book 'haroun and the sea of stories'. i found it HILARIOUS. =) |
this is a post for aleks |
not really but you can pretend it is : ) .
it is more a post about how im going to have no money left if i keep spending time with jenny. but YAY i love her anyways --coz this is what i ended up with from our reeeeeally good day at bondi (minus the snooty lady at the one store where everything was 'so gorgeous'):
...skirt! ...and (something i vowed not to get:) high waisted skinnies !
. . .
well i just didnt wanna get the highwasted (thats right waste) ness. but i tried them on and they were just really good lol...and the cheap monday people were sooo nice ! but not in the lame i-want-you-to-buy-things-from-me nice, even though there would've been a bit of that...i mean the lady was helping me squeexze into skinnies and she was pulling me up so hard that my feet were practically off the ground! lol i think they've stretched already - which should be a good thing..
oh and yesterday was the last official on-fya meeting ...
 ... which made me a little sad : ( ...what makes me feel a little better are all the pretty happy notes we got to collect at the end ! -- 21 berlinder (ye take that) PLUS there were reeally nice mini lemon-flavoured cupcakes with yummy yummy frosting mmmmm. . .which reminds me :
i want some cheeeeeesecake! its been wayy too long. and good food month is nearly over : ( (so sorry cocheen for no sugar hit!)
there. i did it ! your sentence was on the top : ) up up and away - moey xox |
un petit poste. |
well jenny is kinda bored, so im just gonna do a little one and then OFF to bed.
guess what peeps. thats right, for the second time JENNY'S LOST WALLET WAS RETURNED TO HER. =) HIP HIP POO RAAAY!! i was kinda glad, but then kinda sad coz i lost my excuse to get a new wallet. i was planning to get this one from robio;; its SOO AWESOME. i was gonna order it tonight, and it turned up today at school. but now, i kinda feel guilty about betraying my wallet who has served me so faithfully for so long, and also coz i swore on sunday i wouldnt spend for nxt two months. actually... already broke that a bit today. bought gum n hairspray =( LOL reminds me of what happened at work at priceline today:
this korean guy with ganster hair comes up and buys two packets of condoms. so jenny puts them in a bag which is lil transparent. i mean, arent all plastic bags? guy: hey can i have another bag? [then mumbles something like,] i dont want him to see. so jenny gives him another one, whilst silently laughing. guy: yeah thanks; my friend's gf is coming tmr, and so im giving these as a present to him. [ smiles and hurries away.]
hahah i found that kinda funny. the lil amusements that keeps the 3 hr interesting =)
x `jenny tee. |
oh. |
im in a weirdooo mood right nowsies. 4u maths messes with my head. maan i cant even write a post without mentioning MATHS. urgh.
today was scorchANG hot. i came home and made the strawberry frappe thingo with baileys;; maybe thats why im like, WooOOhooOoO atm?
oksies, yesterday after churchie went to city. I was thinking about doing a graphic novel for my eng text; in particular this one called 'the mermaid princess' [yeah it sounds reeally cheesy, but its actually not]. but its IMPOSSIBLE to find. so i checked out some of the comic stores anyway. One of them was closed on sundays, and the other one... well lets just say i discovered that comics were actually EXPENSIVE. [I thought comics were cheap -ish! guess not.] Didnt really get enough time to browse through everything coz i had to meet moey at bondi. i shall go back one day =) i have decided that when [not if] i get rich, i shall spend some money being a comic geek. 8-)
So, met up with moey soon after and caught the bus to beach. LOL we didnt know where exactly to get off, so i randomly said 'Here' coz it looked right... in the end it turns out it was EXACTLY where we were meant to get off. ...but, we didnt know that at the time, and sort of wandered off in direction of the beach. passed the quick brown fox, and jenny just couldnt resist going inside =) i LUURVE that shop. i still remember when i made moey + danella wander around paddington for bout an hour while waiting for the shop assistant for the qbf there to be 'back in 30 mins' [eventually we left coz they still hadnt returned..]
baack to yesterday. we spent AAGES in there;; i found this lil blue cardigan and this olive n brown, um, dress? jenny was faced with a giant, life changing decision. which one to get? eventually, jenny bought the blue cardigan, and moey got the dress for her bday =) so jenny left the shop a v. happy girl. [she also decided that when she is rich this is another store she shall become a fan of.] moey also bought this lil grey-blue skirt. so moey left the store a happy girl too. we wandered around bondi some more, still looking for the cheap monday store. eventually we were saved by a map on the bus stand LOL! and found the store. OMGGG .. the guy inside the store. okay okay he wasnt hot or anything, but SERS thats like the SKINNIEST pair of legs ive ever ever seen on a guy. even skinnier than jos from, and this guy was sooo tall. and he called us 'daarlings' aww. baack to the jeans. yesterday was a pretty bad day for trying on skinny jeans =( we spent aages in there too, trying on a billion pairs. jenny eventually bought this plain black pair,mid waisted; and moey bought these black ones with seams and hiiiiigh waisted. we also saw this pair of BRIGHT blue jeans; they were soo awesome. if i some more moolah to spare, i wouldve bought that too, but unfortch she already spent too much that day. so we went back to bondi junction, and being the nerds we are, we went into borders to look at some books. then jenny + moey parted; well, jenny made it back home, which is a great feat considering how hard it was to resist just plopping down in the middle of the road all the way home. [dont know why i was that tired, actually. i mean it wasnt even for the whole day. ] and here are some photosies of the new clothes. new cardigan >>  and the new jeans + cardigan>>
 x `jenny tee. |
c'est le jenny! |
that little dark cloud that had been hanging over me has finally been dealt with; confrontation is the key peeps. lol. so jenny is now in a much better mood, although its not lasting coz of the 2 hrs of maths ive just been doing. ohh wells, i need to learn to stop complaining so much.
not muchos has been happening since normality has returned. actually.... cant call it normality. EVERYONE. like everyone. has increased their reading on the nerd-o-meter. i mean, syd girls is already nerdy enough. the nerdiness increased before the prelims, but now UNPRECENDENTED levels of nerdiness are raging. everyone, [myself included] now spend all their free periods in the library finishing work coz of the new vows to do all their maths hw from now on; all convos will eventually turn to school and school work, and how friggin hard 4u maths is or something. i mean, im writing about school here right now. its not even just our school. all the other peeps from less nerdy schools are saying stuff like, im gonna work hard this year, and do all my work, etc etc.
on the other hand, me n moey are going to go bondi on sun to look at cheap monday store =) i think thats what she said. well were gonna spend some moolah. but jenny's moolah is in quite short supply right now... i guess not 'right now' coz its ALWAYS in short supply anyway. i was supposed to work extra in hols, but... hm. i got a pay rise like a month ago tho;; only realised yesterday. i think i needa make a wishlist soon for all the stuff i need to buy.
OMG I LOST MY WALLET. two days ago. guess its not that bad really. i only had $10 in there and i keep my drivers license n bank card thingy separate just i case this happened... so its mainly the fact ill now need to get new wallet thats annoying me. i liked my wallet. R.I.P
x `jenny tee
i called you up on a saturday night and we both stayed up till morning light and we sang here we go again. time goes by and ill always be in the club with you in nineteen seventy three singing, here we go again.
haha this song is forever stuck in my head - i think i annoyed everyone today by singing it so much =) |
so this was my first day of school-ish. |
you know that excited feeling you get when you're about to walk into a class for the very first time and you're expecting this big welcome since you're best friends are supposed to be in that class too? i had that feeling this morning. . . .until i walked in and instead of friends i was greeted with empty seats...
but me thinking that at least ONE of the three friends that were supposed to be in that class would have stayed and were just running late, declined to sit with others (thats right i was offered seats!) and SAVED a seat for non-existent friends. boooooo. ten minutes in i decided to push my bag onto the empty seat beside me. fine. be that way guys.. be that way.
and that was my interesting story of the day : ) toot toot !
here is something better - proof that my plans of a new and improved work ethic is reeally paying off:
...aren't they pretttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? lol. the blurriness gets rid of all the blotches that are actually there. And you guys, i dont see whats wrong with painting your nails in year twelve? its a form of creative expression - stress relief - and at least im getting my moneys worth of the whatever i paid for the nailpolish. theres 6 types on each finger right now. . . !
my mum keeps bagging me out for it but at least SOME of my friends get it (kitty colleen betty lol). haha i keep looking at them. seriously. everytime i put a full stop in i'm like pause, look at nails. hmmm.
my eyes are hurting, because this is what happens when your sister becomes a computer hog the week before her assessments. i am becoming net-ologically intolerant to all the white space.. um and before i leeave - how good was soyouthinkyoucandance? ughsadjfiodsjfaigfgjk hot stuffs ! xox moey |
running outta ideas for titles. |
first day of school today;; just been getting back exams =( its almost as bad as doing them. Results been okayish so far, but my french mark is pissing me off. lol phys was pretty good considering i studied max three hours?
had free periods when we used to have sports. it was kinda weird coz the whole grade thought some teacher had called a meeting; but then it turns out that we made it up >.> hows that for great minds thinking alike lol. so we were gonna go down to surry hills and get coffee n sth to eat, but ... we ended up just sitting out in the sun and absorbing vitamin D (dunno if thats right?) but colleen left to lunch with mum.
found this randomly lying around on a card [had two other 'recipes' but cropped it] :
mmm baileys. gonna make these when i get chance =)
todaaii also went and bought kate miller-heidke's little eve.
yepp twas only 10 bucks. had been wanting it for aages, then i saw it was only 10 and i was like OMG GRAB IT AND NEVER LET GO. listening to it atm, its quite unique and i mean it in a good way. fav songs so far are words and delay. =) also loving the new alicia quays song <3
aaaand.. this is the scarf that jenny knitted ALL BY HERSELF!
i put the pink ribbons on the ends to hide the screwed up part =s ... thinking of changing to black ribbon tho coz the pinkness reminds me too much of cheap plastic. maan my mirror is so dirty from the hairsprays. should go clean it.
just remembered;; today gary pulls out a starburst from a packet of those new fruit fusion ones and goes, 'omg how come they all look like dicks?!' ROFL trust him to say sth like that. obvs he hadnt noticed michael had been playing with them for the last ten minutes >.>
mum just came in and chucked ANOTHER hissy fit about my uniform lying scrunched up on the chair. its like. ONE skirt and ONE shirt wth. she used to just not come into my room and not care but lately shes been going on this crusade or something against my messiness =.=
x `jenny tee |
ooooo. |
jenny is in a foul mood too.
okay first up, i got woken at like 10.20 this morning by my grandpa n bro screaming in the garden. ive been a bit sleep deprived lately. not not good.
but then jenny finished knitting her scarf! yayas.. lol after like. forever? hey at least it got finished.
AND THEN. THE NIGHTMARE OF THE HOLS. FIVE. FRIGGING.HOURS.OF.MATHS. no you didnt hear wrong. from 2-7, this was the saturday arvo from HELL. ok, first two hours was fine, but then..the food was consumed, the brains started to melt, and the convos became maths jokes. eg, teacher: how would you rate your first 4 u lesson? 5 being best, 1 being worst? rui: i squared! [which we learnt today equals -1] teacher: oh! really really bad? duuh.
another joke. tho not maths. teacher: i will be like a shepherd, leading you to greener pastures. [yep cheesiness to da maxx.] rui: um dont they then get slaughtered? LMAO!
ok enuff bout maths. then went out to dinner, and my bro has peanut allergy. mum forgot, made him drink soup with peanuts? and then he came home and was like full. coughin, puffy eyed. grandma happened to be there, and the whole family was PANICKING. me being smarter, went to take shower. sers, by the time i came out he was walking around watching tv. see?
so, gonna post the two semi photos i found on the site:
 colleen, me.
 guam, colleen, me, sam.
annie, me.

top, marias bf, sam
bottom, annie, me, maria.
 annie, me, sam. thats as many photos as i can find atm =) first two from formal website, the rest from annie.
more coming!
x `jenny tee
this is a post that is not by jenny. |
i was super excited (see jenny) to start blogging about all the little vain things my money has been lost on when babaBoom - i trip, and all goes crashing down onto the carpet. =/ my benefit babe cake liner completely empty on one side, and me freaking out which gave jenny this pleasant greeting:
hello hello says: HOLY SHIT But hey! before i get all detailed lets play a game shall we?
Where's friggin Wally-the-huge-ass-stain? can you spot him?!?!  and yes. that is makeup remover. i dont know where capret cleaning things are - i dont even think we have any. AND the stupid hand held vacuum thing DOES NOT WORK. so i had to use a cloth. and guess what?! that just made it spread..hooray! ugh. i will continue cleaning after this post and hope that out of all unlikeliness my mum won't notice a thing tomorrow morning. i'll have the day to fix it as well..i hope. and to think this post was going to mock the the sin that is vanity. Here is whats left:
 and here is my less sulky bit (of what i wore today - and also what i think is the best accidental shot ever taken ! ): (moey was less cold because she wore skinnies instead of shorts) err. i JUST realised our username is vanityisfair - harhar my post is in theme.
ok ! end of lameth. post more interestingly when my mood is less soured : ) xox moey |
lets get to it. |
lol why am the only one who writes here, moey, HUH??
so so, hols actually has been fun-ish, at least its kept me kinda amused even if last few days has been crap as, lol.
straight after exams, just spent basically everyday out making up for the exams =) farr out i think i saw colleen like almost EVERYDAY .
semi;; that was fuuurrn, both before n during;; not so much after with my friggin dead feet. the mooosic was SOO LOUD that i sers thought i would get permanent hearing damage =( not good not good I CANT RETIRE FROM CLUBBING YET. >.> ummz theres photos ... just havent asked ppl for it tho. shall post post once i get my hands on them.
went to gold coast;; aww . we did nothing special, cant expect it when youre going with your family. BUT i got to go on some preeeetty mad rides in movie world n wet n wild X] OMG WET N WILD = MAAASIVE TAN + bad bad tan lines. went to beach on third day WOAH the perfectest weather ive EVER. like ever ever seen for beach;; photos dont do justice. buut again you cant have fun with a kid who would rather make sand pools wth. le sigh. reminds me i havent gone to for aages.
lol then went shoppping, saw this shirt which said "i [have never fking been to] ny" except the brackety bit was in the shape of a heart. lmao!
then fourth n fifth day, drove AAAALL the way down back to sydney. tortuuure =( stopped for the night at port macquarie, and checked out the beaches in the morning. saw other really pretty ones too, but was in the car and didnt stop. >>

so. came back on monday, been homing most of last couple of days. actually not WHOLE day, always something to do, but still incredibly bored. today went to watch rataouille. wasnt as bad as i thought..... my bro has turned me off animations.. but it still was an average film. there was this GIANT BOGONG INSIDE THE CINEMA N I DIDNT REALISE IT WAS BOGONG AND KNOCKED IT WITH MY HAAANDS EEW. friggin freezing today. i want summer back. =(
x `jenny tee |
jennys deepest darkest secrets. ooooooh. |
Starting Time: 10.06 pm Name: jenny Sisters: none. thank god. Brothers: one. Eye Color: its purple. Shoe size: tiny, like 3/4. its not funny. =( Height: really short. What are you wearing right now: skirt, tshirt Where do you live: westie. inner? Favorite Number: errr what. 28? lol bday/ Favorite Boys Name: julian, jamie Favorite Girls Name: charlotte? Favorite Drink: lemonade, water, hot chocolate, baileys is nice too =) Favorite Month: october? Favorite Breakfast: umm toasted sandwiches.. mm.
Have you ever ... Bungee jumped: narrrr... wished i had. Made yourself throw-up?: nope @@ Loved someone so much it made you cry?: ummm no. Broken a bone: nup. Played Truth or Dare: hell yeah, who hasnt? Been in a police car: sorta? Been on a plane: def. Came close to dying: came close to being run over heapsa times? Been in a sauna: errr dont think so. Been in a hot tub: YEAH.....aww. Swam in the ocean: yep. Fallen asleep in school: lol a billion times Broken someone's heart: soorry=( Cried when someone died: duh who wouldnt Cried in school: how embarssing..... Fell off your chair: OMG YES. =( Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call? not ALL night. no one is worth thaat. Saved AIM conversation: it auto saves. Saved e-mails: yeah?
What is ... Your room like: JUST cleaned it up this morning. messy again. Whats right beside you: >. > my clothes? What is the last thing you ate: err went out to dinner. a piece of orange?
Ever had ... Chicken pox: nup Sore throat: DUUH...youre a freak if you havent Stitches: yeah Broken nose: nup.
Do you ... Like picnics: um if theres good food, the right friends =) Like school: ... sometimes i guess? Like anything: wth. im not some emo kid you know.
More questions ... Who was the last person you called: mmmm.... the last FRIEND i called was colleen. Who was the last person you slow danced with: um. last person i danced with was sam? Who makes you smile: friends =) Who did you last yell at: my bro. hes bout the ONLY person i yell at. Do you like filling these out: usually dont.. but some of them are interesting =) Do you wear contact lenses or glasses: glasses 8) Do you like yourself: ahhhhh what kinda questions this?? guess sometimes. What are you listening to right now? the humming of the computer. Hate someone in your family? not hate. but find annoying. What car do you wish to have? a mini cooper. if im mega mega rich, then a rolls royce phantom. its like $1 m =) wishful thinking yeah =p Where do you want to get married?: lol dunno, probs sydney? Good driver: driving fully stresses me out. Good singer: err noooo Diamond or pearl: diamond and pearl X] Are you oldest child: yeah. and loving it. Indoors or outdoors: depends on mood.
Today, did you ... Buy something: mmm yeah. Get sick: no Sing: hummed? Talked to an ex: nup.
Last person who ... Was in your bed: me n me n me n me. the last OTHER person was colleen? Saw you cry?: hard question...dunno Made you cry? thats my SECRET. =) you went to the mall with: um moey? Ever been in a fight with your pet? pffft you cant fight with fish;; or hamsters, or turtles.. thats as far as i can rmber. Been to California: nup Been to Mexico: nup Been to Canada: nup Been to Africa: nup What books are you reading right now: nothing... last one was handmaid's tale? Best feeling in the world: giving food to a hobo lol, laughing your arse off, getting what you want, in terms of buying stuff, marks, and holding someone's heart in your hands. Future kids names: lol as above. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: nup. What's under your bed: empty drawers? dust? hair? dead skin? dead bugs? Favorite sport to watch: hate watching sport on tv, dunno bout live? Favorite location?: mmm what a random question. moeys house =p my bed, pretty shops, Piercing/Tattoos: 2 left 2 on right What are you most afraid of right now? being ugly n fat, failing hsc, and being played. Who do you really hate?: thats unmentionable. Do you have a job: yep. 3 hrs a wk lol. Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with? aaaahhaha yeah. Are you lonely right now: a bit. Song that's stuck in your head right now? um summer love by jt. Have you ever played strip poker?: no. ill be nekkid in like a second. Have you ever gotten beat up?: ....yeah. =S What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: their hair . their clothes. then their eyes lol. Your Favorite Food: omg too many to mention. Have you ever cried for no reason?: for stoopid reasons yes. Hugs or kisses?: both =) Butter, Plain or Salted popcorn: salted. mm. Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car? depends.. if alone/friends, plane, if with family, car. How many pillows do you sleep with?1. how many do you expect? Time Finished:10.40
x `jenny