how do you say ADHD in Indian? |
YAY looks like most of you have found the new blog.
Well I decided to try out UTS library today. THAT WAS THE BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER. Well it would've been fun if I wasn't doing this HSC thing.
The only thing I learnt in the six hours I was there was that one in four people will suffer a mental illness. That's pretty sad, actually. Apparently this blog is averaging 15 people per day (don't really know who all these people might be lol) so thats about four of us who will suffer a mental illness at some point in our life.
And in other sad news, David Tennant is leaving Doctor Who. I went "NOOOOOOOOO" (aloud) when I read it, that's how upset I was. He has to be the awesomest Doctor ever. And since he is the first Doctor I've watched, he has pretty much defined the character in my mind, so who ever might take up the role in the future will just never be the same.
My mood right now:
 "Do you smoke?" "No." "Why not?" |
It's time to decrypt the cryptic-ness.
We are ditching this blog
and we're going to start a new one.
Exciting stuff, no? No.
So, instead of giving you the address of our new home, we are going to make you guess it. Look back at the post and our current url for clues. (BTW don't succumb to SGHS syndrome; ie, don't try look for a deeper meaning. What you see is what you get.)
It's currently listed under a different account (we think one step ahead, Susanna) but you'll know once you're there. It's a bit bald at the moment, but we promise that it'll be prettier. Once you find it, post a message in the Cbox, and we'll see who manages to get there first, and who totally lacks decrypting skills.
So why start a new blog? Well, together with high school, we're going to be leaving behind our whinges about procrastination, our sedentary lifestyles and our lack of social life. So we're gonna start anew.
We're going to keep this blog and its archives because this has been a diary of sorts, and all diarys should never be thrown away.
But we'll be starting to post at the new blog on the 11th November, so you got two weeks to figure out the address. Chop chop.
[and coincidentally this is our 200th post! a pat on the back to us.]
I'm out to treat this like the sky's no limit. |
After watching a short piece on the news last night on how the current economic crisis has meant a lot more people were depending on soup kitchens for their meals, I decided that I'm going to volunteer at one during the two weeks after the HSC.
I mean, there's only so much shopping you can do in Sydney, and since I finish my job at the pharmacy on the 11 Nov, it'll be a good way to keep myself from becoming a piece of lard and to do some good at the same time.
Why soup kitchen? Well since I'm only going to be able to do it for two weeks before I leave for holidays and then for China for a year, there's only a few kinds of volunteering I can do.
I can't really do anything that needs professional skills (can't even train for it since I won't have time) ; door knocking sounds scary; don't have enough experience to do promoting awareness type of stuff; and don't want to go help out at Vinnies stores because I have a feeling that I'll just be standing there smelling BO for the whole day. I know soup kitchens aren't going to be what you call fun, but at least you actively help people, and I guess it'll be more satisfying.
I can hear you guys saying, "BUT JENNY YOU CAN'T COOK.!" but I bet I know enough for a soup kitchen, it's not a three hatted restaurant. Anyways I don't have to cook.
A quick google search showed that there was one at St Canice church in Kings Cross. Erm. So I tried to search for other ones, but I couldn't find any other listed ones. There were plenty of people who asked about it on forums etc, but either it wasn't in the right area, no one replied, or the person replying was obviously a friend and was like, "I'll PM you about it tonight." Dude, why so secretive about a SOUP KITCHEN? Sharing is caring (especially in this case). But I know Salvation Army does them too, it's just that they don't list each of them on their site so I'm going to call them.
So. Who wants to come? =) (it looks good on resumes etc too.!) |
bang bang on the lawn, from dusk till dawn. |
The procrastination was getting ridiculous so I banned myself from the internet the few days before English ppr 1, but instead I just ended up going through ALL my photos on the computer, and found some pretty amusing photos. I was going to post another HOT photo of Betty to contest with the previous one posted, but that would be rather mean and Betty will most likely kill me.
So instead I present:
Superwoman Betty: Don't worry I will eat them all up and save you all! Sus: Uh oh I think the aliens have already found us, look at that disembodied arm.! Moey (look closely at her expression): Thats's just Danella's arm. Grow UP guys. *rolls her eyes*
haha being immature is fun.
And I realised I forgot to post the photos from Susanna's bday (sorry Sus) but I'm gonna have to do that next time because theres like twenty photos.
easy as pie. |
cryptic cryptic...but time will tell .
ANYWAYS. happy news! made our melbourne booking and it was completely mess free, hassle free, with our time slot of choice alotted. see jenny i can be organised !
hehe. sooooooooooooooooooooo excited. and i just can't hide it
melbourne, melbourne here we come : ) -hmm, this is like a really really bad mash up of old and tired songs, but OH WELL:
hsc hsc, not too long til we're FREE.!

14 DAYS and counting.
x |
the hypocritical one |
yes yes. i think many of you can attest to the fact that i have TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY reverted on the sanity i expressed two posts ago - sadly.
'it's not even a big deal, it's not even a big deal, it is NOT EVEN a BIG DEAL' doesn't even cut it anymore! that math room is like kryptonite to all social capabilities. sometimes, momentarily, i can forget and have a laugh or a real conversation but then, from the corner of my eye, i am reminded of my awkward sensiblities and all vocal capabilities diminish... i mean dude, i can't even ask math questions to the tutor in a normal voice.
yuk. mostly i'm just annoyed at myself for being so immature. 'gosh grow up' you and me and my whole family (creative license here) are saying. and i'm trying, i feel like i am! and then i don't and then it's sad again.
not sad like emo, btw.
on a less depressing note, i only have one more of these horrrrrible sessions to endure, and only 3 more weeks of hsc non-life left! in celebration, i have scheduled for the 31st october and onwards: 'LIFE' cannot wait :) x
bahahaha... these memories need to last for longer
"unmarried chicken" |
-my grandma's attempt to explain "spring chicken"
I am seriously on the verge of giving up. My brain hasn't been functioning for the past few days, and the fact that my brother stomps around the house day in day out hollering like a madman doesn't help either.
LOL today at work, this curry guy came over and asked me for 'summer moisturisers' .
Me: Like as in moisturisers with tanning lotion? (I couldn't think of what else he could've meant by 'summer moisturisers' at the time) Him: Yeah Me in my head: ?!?!? why would you need TANNING lotion??? aren't you tanned enough already???
Eventually I figured out he was looking for those oil-free moisturisers.
And what the hell is up with all the economic shit that's been happening? It's so friggin annoying because all my eco notes about trends and stuff are now WRONG. And since about half of the subject is about trends and causes that means I have to redo half my notes. Why couldn't all this stuff have happened after our exam? Then they could've announced the collapse of capitalism for all I care.
I'm sure you can tell that I'm in a bad mood. =(
1 more month left. Oh yeah. |
I'm really frustrated by 4u maths at the moment, and there isn't anyone to ask online. Where are all the maths brains when you need them? Probably studying lol. I need a breeaak.
Anyways, my Dad came back today so I got him to buy me that Narciso Rodriguez perfume that I've been lusting over for like, two years. Literally. So the fact that I still wanted it after so long meant it wasn't some impulse thing so that was my justification for spending the money when I'm not supposed to. Hey, it was like $20 cheaper than if I had bought it at Myer too. I think I will go drown my sorrows in it now.
Lol, no need, because look at this site. It's basically one of those blogs where they post up "pictures and videos of owned, pawned and failed moments". Basically, somewhere to exercise those stomach muscles which are fast disappearing under the rolls of fat cause by sitting for hours on end and endlessly munching on junk food. aka, somewhere to procrastinate.
Some of my favourite ones.
"It looks nice and warm in deeere."
I sincerely hope that it was sarcasm/satirical, but something tells me it's not.
Look closely at the riot police's faces. Click to enlarge.
I SO bet it was on purpose lol.
There are some groups you just don't leave.
And although rare, there are 'win' moments, eg:
 **Warning if you decide to visit the site, you will probably end up there for at least an hour.
I was thinking. Why is it that you can never go wrong with a Korean boy? They're either hot, got great style, or most likely, both. Of all the Korean friends and strangers I've met or seen (believe me, I live in Koreatown, I've seen quite a few.), although there have been some, uh.. less than optimal ones, there are never the sort of guys that we the Chinese seem to be saturated with. Le sigh.
Koreans eat Chinese food because Korea is connected to China. |
I was illuminated to this previously obscure fact by a 8 year old boy today. lol.
It was so freakin' hot today. And I loved it. (For now. Maybe not so much when it gets to the point that even blinking makes you sweat.)
While everyone else are becoming so dedicated to their studying that they are even ditching their blogs, I decided to go shopping yesterday, and bought these.
 Hey, I was in desperate need of summer shoes. The ones on the right are Tony Biancos bought at Myer, but at Wanted we saw similar ones by 'glamourpuss' (omg can they be any more bimbo?). I know that this isn't so uncommon, but these were actually identical except the heel was taller and there was a choice of wedges, or stilleto-ey ones. Who's copying who?
Well to make the day legitimate we went to State in the arvo, and found Mon & co. It was pretty much: study an hour, take a half an hour coffee break, study another hour, ok cbb anymore, I'm going home.
But anyways, just as I was leaving, I noticed this cute (happy moey?) Eurasian guy. As I waiting around the lockers for Moey, lamenting the fact that I only discovered him so late, KABOOM this locker door next to my head springs open and nearly bashes me in the face. WTF? I turn around to glare at the person and then... I found myself staring at another hot guy. Oh man. He smiled sheepishly and apologised, but how can you be angry at a face like that?
Yeah, there seemed to have been an extra large amount of hot/cute guys at State that day, because as I was reading Jenny Jiang's blog (this post) she talked about this cute guy with an interesting shirt, and how she wrote him a note to tell him she liked his shirt. I told Moey about the post, and she replies:
le highing says: lol u shouldve done that to the cute guy that tried to smash ur face with his locker door le highing says: i wouldve liked to be his friend Jenny says: what would i say Jenny says: "i like you smashing the door in my face. =) " le highing says: LMAO le highing says: YES.
Hmm. Someone's getting desperate lol.
Speaking of hot guys, I found this link to Ms Varady's son's model profile page on the facebook group for SGHS old girls. Get ready to be blown away.
Anyways (how many times have I said it in this post?) during a break in my brother's DVD marathon, I noticed ABC was airing the debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden, so I naturally sat down to watch it (you have no idea about the magnitude of fight that ensued to get the TV).
What can I say, any hope that I might have had for Sarah Palin just flew out of the room along with my brother (dw neither literally flew). There were so many faults with her arguments, but the most farcical was her and McCain's opposition to Obama's promise that he would sit down with the world's most controversial leaders, such Castro brothers and Kim Jong Il, to conduct talks to solve the nuclear weapons issue. She argued that them being so dangerous, sitting down for talks without preconditions set is ridiculous idea. Oh but she still supports diplomacy.
Um, but how are you supposed to set un-biased preconditions without holding talks? And setting preconditions without first holding talks is not called diplomacy, it's called implementing sanctions. I'm sure even a twelve year old could see this.
But in the end, I have to say there are still major problems with both parties. They keep reiterating that they want to reinstate America as the shining beacon for democracy, freedom, tolerance and human rights for the rest of the world. This literally made me gag. Guantanamo Bay? Abu Grahib? A President who vetoed a bill that would've banned torture during investigations? People threatening to kill the first African American Presidential Candidate? McCain's stance on gay marriages? If you want to be a leader symbolic of freedom and all things Christian, maybe you should fix up the problems within your own country first instead of invading other countries in the name of 'fighting terrorism' and 'democracy'.
Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'm off to watch War of the Worlds and watch the world getting destroyed and laugh at Tom Cruise.