looking like death warmed up. |
Okay, as part of my research for "Telling the Truth" I was looking up stuff about Pauline Hanson, and came across this interview on a Jewish SBS show. The reason why it struck me the most was that the interviewer asked a lot of pertinent questions.
listen to it here: (it's a bit long).
The more I listen, the more I wonder how the hell this woman ever got ANY seat in Parliament at all. None of her arguments make sense; her only defense and reason behind her opinions are, "I am a proud Australian who does not want to see this country divided," or, "I have no problems with immigrants keeping their own culture and religion, as long as they give this country their undivided loyalty."
So why do you strive to eliminate multiculturalism?
Even more absurd is the way she puts a price on multiculturalism. She blames all of the country's foreign debt on multiculturalism and actually says, "Multiculturalism in this country costs us about a billion dollar a year," WTF? Where the hell did she get that from? And it absolutely contradicts any sense of logic. Apparently, those costs accrue "through the tax system," but she does not name her source of information.
The biggest problem I have with this woman is not her racism, but more her lack of sense of reason, her contradictory claims and the obvious lack of thought given to what exactly she is striving for. I mean, she uses the terms 'proud Australian' and 'undivided loyalty' in almost every single response, but she fails to define what they actually mean.
I've read her maiden speech and a few of her interviews, and I still can't decide what exactly she stands for. The most obvious one would be a homogeneous society of Christian Caucasians, and where all immigrants would be required to completely assimilate. But when this is proposed to her, she immediately denies it, and adds she enjoys eating Chinese food. If she was actually able to prove and explain how multiculturalism ruins this country, I would vote for her and hop on the next plane back to China.
And although I can't say on behalf of my parents exactly why we left China, I know that it's definitely not because we despised our culture. So don't tell me that we came to Australia clearly to escape our culture, and therefore shouldn't reintroduce it in Australia.
I've noticed that our blog has become kind of pictureless and more of a "ventspot", like Susanna suggested. Continuing my vent, I've just wasted another evening on the internet.
Think I shall take a break now, so no blogging till end of trials (unless something interesting comes up, which is highly unlikely given the amount of time I sit at a desk staring at a blank piece of paper.)
x toodlies.
break (it) down. |
I'm seriously running out of steam... Nowadays I only last for 3hrs in the morning before I just completely give up let myself be seduced by the procrastination god.
Take today, for example; went to State for the third time this hols, worked quite well for the first 3-ish hours before we took a one-and-a-half hour lunch break (doesn't beat the two hour lunch break last week tho..). We actually finished lunch in about half that time, but for some reason it took us another 45 mins to get our bums back to our seats. Maybe it was because some people insisted on LOITERING, and then catching the train when it would've taken 15mins to walk. And then the next two hours was just spent challenging each other with those slidey puzzle things, trying to chuck rolled up pieces of paper into each other's mouths [it tasted salty...=( ] , and trying to shut up that stupid kid Eddie. And how the hell does a party of two become a party of eight.?
So now I'm sitting here feeling pissed off at myself and overwhelmed by the work I have to do in the next four weeks...yet still too lazy to call HaeRan to do practice for French orals.
In less depressing news, I also booked my driving test for the 3rd of September. Actually that's not exactly less depressing, since there's a high chance I'll fail given that I still screw up kerbside parking half the time. Don't tell me I'm imagining it, because the reason why it's booked right after my trials is so that if I fail, I can try again after the HSC. See, even my instructor is planning for a fail.
I'm too depressed to even find a pretty picture to post to cheer myself up.
dexter. |
wow. i just finished a marathon of sociopathic goodness. . you should watch this. [ the season one dvd's out :) haha see how im not advocating illegal distributions? ] . a bit slow at first, and my sister seems to show no interest in it, but i thought it was dayumn twisty, suspensy, intriguing.. really good. . kind of postmodern even. hmm. i could consider using it as a related text (which was the pretense used to ease the guilt of watching it all), but i dont want to overkill it. . . dexter.....a two syllable dayumn! |
populate and perish |
uh, firstly a sorry for the long and winding typathon that follows:
somebody asked me the other night, whether having kids was something i wanted. i really don't know sometimes, seeing as though most kids are just stupid and gross (and sexualised and creepy and sadistic and rude, incompetent, demanding, selfish, stubborn, gangster...) i thought about it and yes, i would like to raise the perfect human being, and then i thought about the pain of childbirth, the difficulty of child-rearing, tantrums, disciplinary actions...ew.
plus isn't there enough of a resource shortage? world poverty, hunger, devastation.. i don't see why i should add to the crisis.
then today on stateline, a world population expert ( intense! ) advocated zero percent population growth: "The world population is growing about 1.3 per cent per year. But what it means is that the world population now is so large that 1.3 per cent of that every year is like 75 million people additional every year. And these people have to be fed and clothed and supplied with resources, and as we know from the news, there are big deficiencies - people are starving, people are malnourished."
He argued against Cardinell Pell and other politicians' "perverse"claims that an increased population growth would help with the problems associated with an aging population: "It's interesting that most of Europe is at zero population growth and it hasn't been the end of the world."
More so, he turned to the "totalitarian state" (not my words), China, as an example: "The Chinese recognised that that was not true, so they cut their population growth in half (by very totalitarian ways which we don't approve of)...to take better care of the people they have, rather than spend all their resources trying to accommodate new people. They have cut their population growth rate in half...And as a result of that decline, they have been able - look at the way their economic growth is going. They're walking all over the rest of world in terms of economic growth."
so i've decided. When i grow up, i'm going to have somebody else's kids. i dont mean this in a creepy, sadistic or criminal way. I'm talking about a legal version of adoption.
kids need good care. there are so many that are going without it. Think back to the findings on homelessness in nsw - most of those kids are so badly abused and neglected that to them it's just the norm; drugs and petty theft become the necessary means of survival. its creepy, sad, unreasonable.
So, when im old(er) and rich and married (because you have to be, to adopt), i hope i can provide that climate friendly/resource friendly/people friendly solution to the population crisis.
but mostly i hope i can raise good kids.
serious much? |
mixtape. |
mmmm. im thinking about what im missing out on, being not-eighteen. Example: vanshe party tour. i mean party tour? over eighteens only? what is that?! well, seeing as though i didnt even make an attempt at being sneaky (ie getting myself in there), i probably shouldnt whine about it......cant help it though; there's a little version of me screaming (quietly) inside - Boooooo..
like a crazy old cat lady im just going to sit here and try to rekindle those fond memories of seeing them play many many carefree years ago. yes, this helps me very much!
on the very same topic, there's apparently a free giveaway with every online pre-order of V. Thing is, the only way im getting it online is through my sister, and she's not really into the sharing thing; even though i've already told her how much caring it would shower me in. i'm trying not to fret too much though:) shipping will probably turn out to be an asswipe and besides, what would i do with a giant ass free-shirt anyways? ..right? (click on the linky, you'll see what im talking about)
Lastly, i don't believe that school has any reason to start again. for the love of me, i do not understand why time doesn't ever slow down when it needs to; im not even having any fun!
note: pilgrims are crazy. |
confession: i dance in my chair so i can feel like i have exercised. |
-no that's not my confession;; dw I won't reveal who you are. =)
It seriously feels like WYD people have completely invaded every corner of Sydney;; they're crawling (almost literally) all over the city, they're all over the train stations (City, Parra, Stratty...), and they're sleeping over at the Catholic church down my street. Scary stuff.
Urgh I think I've completely lost all my motivation for the HSC now... being a primary school teacher is seriously becoming a very attractive option. Apart from the pathetic pay, its one of the best jobs that I could hope for, considering my lack of special talents. I mean, you start at 9am, finish at 3pm and if you teach at private school, you get 18 weeks of annual holidays, which is more than four times of what your non-teacher friends get. The only thing that stops me is when I think of all the pretty things I wouldn't be able to afford. Yes I'm materialistic.
Think I've got my post-HSC planned out. Shows you how focused I am.
Nov 5th : last exam.!
--Sleep, go out, beach, pack, last minute formal stuff...
Nov 18th - formal
 Nov 19th - 22nd: Coffs Harbour ; more beach (I'm gonna get sers tanned lol) bum, bonfires, lazing around...
 Nov 23rd - 26th: Melbourne ; shopping, eating
[hope you don't mind Colleen =) ] Nov 28th : Paartaaay =)
 Dec 3rd: fly to China
 ~Last minute shopping for cool clothes to wear in Japan
 Dec 10th-ish : Japan for a week
 Dec 31st: NYE in HK .! post-Xmas sales not to be missed too.
[photos: theskullset, cherryblossomgirl, deadfleurette, photodecadent, tropicalisland, colleen, mine]
black black vinyl. |
So firstly, Happy 18th to Annie.! [Somehow I don't think that you being officially an adult is going to improve anything =) ]
We celebrated with ice cream, where we basically did very immature things, I think photos will be up on Annie's blog (link on the right - It's Nothing But a Lie)
Then since Betty and I didn't really feel like going K, we went and took advantage of the sales - or that was what we intended to do. But then I ended up buying my formal shoes, which were not on sale. Well done, Jenny.
  Yeah they're a sort of a rip off of Christian Louboutin's Anemone, but I prefer these ones because they're less over the top. I think the heels on these ones less high as well but still, these are 4-inch heels the size of my pinky-toe nail.
Yesterday I also found my pattern for my formal dress at Lincraft; so from now on I don't really have a reason to go shopping anymore.
Also bought Angus and Julia Stone's album A Book Like This which turned out a bit of a disappointment, but hopefully I'll grow to like it, just like with the Sarah Blasko one. I was originally going to buy the double EP with Heart Full of Wine and Chocolates and Cigarettes, but JB Hifi didn't have it so I thought that I'll give this a try.
Yesterday me and Moey also met up with Sus, Danella and Bernerd [Danella's date in case you didn't know =) ] to play laser up at Darling Harbour. And Jenny came 8th.! Haha you should all be very very afraid. Yeah then Mon decided to join in when we were leaving, on his way to his friend Johnny's 18th. So Jenny decided to go help with the decorating - but 'decorating' just turned out to be sitting around chatting and flicking balloons at each other. V fun.
Yes so now that tomorrow is the second week of holidays I shall start doing some serious work, instead of procrastinating like there's no tomorrow. |
my brain: c*ub@#fvkuASDFg(&97 |
I had major urges to cut myself a straight fringe today, but I do have some self control (which i need to improve to fight procrastination)
But yes since I'm getting my hair cut on Sunday I need to make decision quick quick.
 I learnt something new about my brother today.
him: I got a new second best friend today. His name is Edmond. Do you know why he's my second best friend.? me: no. him: he's got a Wii! me: that's not a good reason. him: it's a good Wii.
Sometimes I find myself, sitting back and reminiscing. |
Yesterday I had a pretty surreal case of deja vu. So I was at our work meeting, and everyone was just standing around in the back room. Then suddenly, a classmate from primary school wanders in, and I was literally gaping for a whole minute. I don't know why it was so surprising; our school was in this area, so it shouldn't be unexpected, but maybe it was because she looked so.. old. It just made me realise how much time has passed.
 I didn't get a chance to say anything to her because it made me speechless for a while, and by the time I recovered the meeting started. Plus I was kind of intimidated - she was so tall and looked heaps old - and I wasn't sure she recognised me so I could've ended up embarrassing myself in front of everyone. But next time I see her I will definitely go and say hi.
I feel so old. it still hasn't really sunk in that we officially graduate from high school in about two months, and I'm constantly having these sorta weird nostalgic reveries whenever I think about it.
Ok I'll stop.
There is something wrong with my brother. He just said 'fuck'. And not by accident either like when he makes up his own unintelligible songs, because he then went on and said, "ha I just said fuck, as in f-u-c-k." I swear it's not me, because I've been extra careful in front of him ever since he got in trouble for saying 'shit' in kindy. I mean, when I was in year two, 'stupid' and 'shut up' were already bad words, and 'fuck' was like the end of the world. Maybe I was just a bit naive?
Photos: Doris Portfolio through A Week of Wonders
If there had been cracks in the glass ceiling, its is now repaired. |
I don't believe this. Out of the blue my mum says, "Boys are more intelligent and capable than girls."
What the fuck?
I know that my mum has always been a little chauvinistic towards her own sex; she used to say that the wife should never have to work harder than her husband, and she seemed to think that teaching, nursing/medicine, and accounting were what girls should do, but I just attributed that to the conservative and traditional environment in which she was raised. But she had never ever told me once before that I was inferior to males, and then out of nowhere she tells my brother, in reference to his friend who is a girl, "You are a boy, of course you should be better than her." My brother does not need this; he already goes to a bigoted boy's private school; and I don't need this either, just when I'm about to leave school and choose careers.
Obviously having attended girls schools all my life, I fired back at her. Her evidence was that since all the leaders of the world and other powerful people are all men, then clearly, men were more capable than women. Well I pointed out some women prime ministers and women in powerful positions, and it was clear she hadn't heard of them. And she goes, "well, most of them are men, so obviously..." well obviously its because of chauvinistic people like you that immediately consider someone less intelligent because of their sex. And anyway, I do not believe that the leaders of the world are the most intelligent people in the world. George Bush, anyone? Robert Mugabe?
In the end I just decided to drop it, because my mum, and my dad too, are not the kind of people who are gonna listen to their seventeen-year-old daughter who has no experience of the world whatsoever and therefore has no right to contradict their irrefutable wisdom.
But I think the thing I don't get the most is why push me and encourage me to strive for the best and want me to be a doctor when secretly you think that I'll never be as successful as my brother?
I can't wait to get out of this house.
On the same note, today I read this SMH article which linked back to the ordination of female bishops in Britain. According to the article, members of the Church of England met on Monday to vote on a proposition to create a rank of 'super-bishops' - in some sort of compensation for those who are opposed to the ordination of female bishops - which got rejected. That should not have come as a surprise, because if it was accepted, it would just undermine any progress that women have made. The surprising thing was this:
"The vote followed an emotional six-hour debate, and resulted in one bishop, the Right Reverend Stephen Venner, the Bishop of Dover, breaking down in tears after announcing he was "ashamed" of his church for ignoring the feelings of those who cannot countenance women bishops."
Uh. The ones who should be ashamed are the ones who cannot countenance women bishops. What the hell is wrong with these people?
[it has been so hard to refrain from swearing my arse off. And I'm sorry if I scared you with this sudden burst of feminism.]
the steg: some say he's afraid of trees, and of australia. |
[only top gear (the tv show) fans will get it.]
I'm getting a bit lazy with this thing;; nothing exciting happens anymore.
The excitement of the week came last night when Danella sent me the link to Gaspard Ulliel and Kate Moss's new Longchamp ads for Fall 08. I really should call them Kate Moss's ads feat. Gaspard Ulliel, because he's more like her boy toy and accessory in these pictures.
I don't like the side role that Gaspard plays. I mean, he doesn't even look into the camera and in most of the photos he's either in the shadows or not there at all. His pretty face deserves more attention.
On Saturday we also managed to convince Kevin Fong to let us paint one of his nails with glittery black nail polish. Haha that was fun too.
And today my brother told me 'you should go to hell'. He's seven years old. I think going to Sunday school just gives him ideas for insults, rather than teaching him respect and obedience and all that stuff.
The fact that I've started talking about my brother is a sign I should shut up so I won't risk exposing more about my sad life.
And also I've been wondering whether you can wash silk normally in the washing machine;; because, apparently, that purple jumper I bought from The Graduate is 20% silk and I'm supposed to dry clean it. But I seriously can't be bothered wasting the time or the money on the one jumper, but I don't want to risk ruining it, because I'm getting rather attached to it. I need to make decision soon because frankly, it's getting a bit gross.
stressed shitless and social life -less. |
Okay. I decided I want hair a la Kate Lanphear, like thissss:
..Um maybe not for the upcoming haircut, but maybe when I get back to China at the end of the year, because I need to mentally prepare myself lol. And I don't think such a high maintenance haircut would help UAI either.
Though, I would get it more cropped at the back, and shorter fringe though, can't stand fringes draping all over my face. That is, if I still have the guts to take the risk, coz I could soo easily end up like a try-hard fob. =( |
future |
so i guess breakfasts in their simplicity, can seem boring in a way.. but honestly. stop and think of the tasty sensations. think of ricotta hotcakes and the like :)
breakfast and dessert are definitely my favourite mealtimes

ask me what i look forward to, in these woeful trial-study-break-and-therefore-not-a-holiday holidays, and my answer will be breakfast. Long and lazy-hazy breakfasts.

everything is sweet and honey or syrup coated in my version of breakfast. i guess this means that after all of this, my body will become the ultimate winter warmer. . .! hah, isnt that something to look forward to : P
Last night, in most blasphemous fashion, i found out that my elder (not elderly..yet..) sister prefers blasted miniature partypies/sausage rolls to cake! CAKE! mother of cup! -she's lucky i am understanding enough to let this not get in the way of our friendsistership. tsssk.
x |