sweets before supper |
quickie meal
boccocini, spanish green olives ... with 'Portobello Mushroom & Garlic' Pasta sauce... and potato gnocchi, parmesan & cracked black pepper
but best of all was todays after school special:

holidays, where are youuuu? |
 Huh what's this?
 Tadaaa! The geek glasses has arrived!
Anything but homework!
Apologies for the blurriness/graniness. My mum has locked up the new camera and demands that I ask her before I use it; and since im supposed to be doing work right now, im stuck with using my 2 MP camera.
We watched John Tucker Must Die during our quadruple free period today - and i reckon its one of the best teen flicks for a while. It had some pretty funny jokes, and the ending was actually rather original... in some ways.
In more depressing news, Jenny is now again inundated with work. A billion things to do and hand in - and it's only the first day.
Wellsies. Back to making motivational banners for my room. It's probably the only way i'll survive this year.
....so you know when peep toe shoes first came back in, and all the fashion people (and by this i mean the dodgy morning tv presenter types, because my viewing tazste is just that good) were going crazy and bid us all to expose our 'toe cleavage' - yes toes, when in those shoes, became cleavage.
WELL, today as i tried my worst at avoiding the 'KOOKAI UP TO 70% OFF' sale, found the pants that may invent what can only be described as 'leg cleavage'. No scrap that, i demand it be called ............. 'sexy leg cleavage' :

hazaA! may this word never spread either............
anyways clearly that was just a random thought. my mind has been going off on a tangent since i decided it was time for me to sit down and clean up my junktrap (formerly known as bedroom, which at its prime was recognised as a luxurious boudoir!)
laugh laugh laugh all you want,
x |
in the warmth, in sunshine&blue skies, in my room, in tshirts&shorts...and on dial up internet.
I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE. I can't even load two pages at a time. its unbelievable. Tmr im going to accost my Dad on this. its unacceptable that in 2008, and during my hsc year [my excuse for everything] i should have to put up with dial up.
Well;; we squished and crammed and managed to fit most of our luggage within the limit. The rest has been left behind for my Dad to bring with him when he comes on the 1st.
So i've just spent my day unpacking, chucking out old stuff from last year, and sleeping. My wardrobe is incredibly full - I think im going to do a clean out tomorrow, since im feeling too lethargic to go out anyway.
The Bed calls again.
lamb smells |
yessss finally made a homemade dinner that was yummy (methinks)
i have no photographic evidence, but the snapshot is framed in my mind because julz gave me a grudging nod of acceptance '...yeah not bad mel..' not bad indeedy : )
so, what was on the menu ?
citrus, mustard & garlic lamb chops crispy potatoes (leftover) cheese puffs
bad news is, i think im going to be veggo when im older or at least, never cook (or dare i say eat?!) lamb again. raw lamb has this reeeeeeeeally really really really bad smell. i could smell it then and i can still smell it now and it makes my stomach curl, my throat all uncontainable-feeling. . . and yeah, not pretty. . .and i swear its not because of the on/off stomach ache i've had since friday brekkie : ( the smell made me scoff half the meal down so i could run away and scrube my hands with that scrubbing dish thingie and detergent - DETERGENT!
yuk. <3
ps. i acknowledge that being a vegetarian isnt necessarily bad, i just love certain animals (like my pork beef chicken) in that edible way - yumyum |
super. duper. looorrng post. |
Firstly, how beautiful is this dress?
It's by Olivier Theyskens. I'm not great with words, so I'll better not ruin it by attempting to analyse why it's so beautiful. It just is beautiful.
Secondly, I really need to vent my spleen about some things. Skip this part if you want. One of the types of people that annoy me the most are the ones with over-inflated egos. The ones who have no sense whatsoever of modesty, of the fact that perhaps, they aren't as great as they think. I know that we should have goals and dreams, but as Patrick Wolf sings in Don't Say No:
" I used to say just follow your heart But my heart always led me in circles and i used to say just follow your dreams but my dreams always led me to murder"
Alot of the times, you also need to keep reality in check. In a similar way, the people that try too hard annoy me too; especially the ones that try and try and try to be different, to be classy, to be the trendsetter, etc. [dw if I was talking about you, you wouldn't be my friend in the first place] I know that everyone wants to be unique - no one wants to just be 'part of the crowd'. But sometimes, by trying to stand out, you just end up trying to be someone else and then;; you've become some pretentious fake snob with an overinflated ego. Like those people that say, "I don't conform". By that, they just mean that they are rebellious, rude, and are apathetic to everything. If you truly didn't conform, you'd be living in the middle of a desert as a recluse, and living off the land.
Maybe Im pms-ing. uh oh - catching the plane tmr. Not so good.
On a different note, my Dad knows me all too well. He knows my weakness, and where to strike. Over dinner he told me that if I came back to China at around the same time as my Mum and Bro [ie, early to mid-December], we could all go to Japan. He actually planned the trip for this holiday, but since I had all my revision in mind, i opted for HongKong and Macau instead...waay less stressful and less likely to distract me. I mean, JAPAN? Just the thought of going makes me hyper.
So, shall I spend New Years, when i'll be finally 18, in wintry [i shiver at the word], but must-see Japan, with my family;; or shall it be with my friends in summery and cosy Sydney, celebrating the end of twelve years of schooling?
I said my Dad knew my weaknesses. I could deny either options. But it seems so mean to my family to snub them, and yet i seem to be forgoing so much everytime I leave my friends. Especially since this time, it will be the last I'll see of them for a year. I think I've talked about it before, but never as a definite thing. The plan is, Im going to take a gap year to come back to China to learn Chinese properly at a uni here. We've already checked out the uni. It's ugly btw. The semester starts in Feb, so I was planning to spend NYE in Sydney and come back mid Jan. Twas perfect, till Dad came along.
Too many dilemmas for such a little person.
my ode to sydney: |
you are my sunshine my only sunshine; you make me happy when china is grey; you'll never know dear how much i love you, please, don't take me away from Sydney.
well, you can guess what kinda weather it is here; we're just in the midst of trying to pack everything;; we've already reached our baggage limits - 90 kgs altogether- and i still have a giant pile of clothes in my wardrobe.
im starving right now, so im off to make my self some lunch.
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee
everything means nothing if i ain't got you. |
jenny says;
I was finally bothered to get my haircut earlier today. It ended up being a trim anyway - you wouldnt notice the difference. My hairdresser thought that Europe was above Mongolia, and hadn't even heard of Australia.
Also revisited my old house - the one i lived in till about 5. I found a bunch of old Garfield magazines, and if you knew about the obsession i had with graphic novels aka comics that i had a while ago, you can guess my excitement. EEEK! Also dug up a pair of 'geek' glasses, similar to the ones i bought on ebay, that was once my grandpa's sunnies. Its missing a lens, but i can [not so] easily push the remaining lens out and wear them as accessories. So what to do about the ones i ordered on ebay?
the other day my dad pointed out that on my mum's side of the family, her mother's side's surname is Wu. Her dad's side's surname is Wen. Now, you might know this or not, but china's current president is WU Jintao, and the prime minister is WEN Jiabao. hmm. I guess my mum does have the right to be bossy. Just thought you had to know that piece of trivia.
Looking at colleen's post [no mention for moey since you pointedly made fun of me] my eyes are like, watering with jealousy. I demand a re-run upon my return. You guys had so much fun, while i am here in shivering my way through the day [my fav hideout is now my dad's car, since it has a bum heater on the seat]. patience jenny;; next year you shall not be dragged away by your parents to be overstuffed by the never ending dinners with rellies.
Speaking of a bossy mum, she is insisting that i come back as soon as the hsc is over. I was hoping to use the excuse that i need to organise the uni entrance stuff, but she has proof that all can be done on the internet. le sigh. sometimes having dumb parents can be advantageous.
never mind, I shall be 18 by then! For me, 18 means freedom of one kind. no need to remind me of the other freedoms i will be leaving behind. |
honest to blog : |
hehehehehehehehehe best movie ever.
anywho though much fun was had at the kickasssuperfun outing (weep dear jenny, weep) beaching did not turn out quite as we planned --grey grey and then some. no worries though, you can all check out my '1970's straw summer bag' and stripy blue top :
and my silver toes.. hehe 'sorry' : ) xox moey |
black and pale. |
jenny.tee says,
Blogger for me is once again, not working. Maybe the chinese govt was tracking me. Luckily there is less than a week left till I am back in Sydney. YAY.
So what does jenny do when her only pastime is taken away? She reads Sydney Morning Herald online. I came this article about how a bus driver threw a Goth girl off a bus because she saw herself as the pet of her boyfriend: "I am a pet," she told the Daily Mail. "I generally act animal-like and I lead a really easy life. I don't cook or clean and I don't go anywhere without Dani. It might seem strange but it makes us both happy. This is so bizarre.
We had lunch today at my fav Jap restaurant. Now we're off to have dinner with relatives. So much for a healthy and balanced diet.
Unfortch, i do not have the concentrating ability to do that, which is why i just cant seem to stay away from blogs.
as you can see theres a lot of new links. my FAAV is >>Cherry Blossom Girl It sounds cheesy, but all such preconceptions are immediately *ping!* vanished ino oblivion once you look through it. ESPECIALLY her room. i am in LOVE with it.
When im back in sydney i plan on sticking motivational messages all over my room, so that a day will never be wasted like today again. Seriously, its now 3pm and I've only managed to type/sort through one page of notes on Coleridge.
OKAY, heads down, blogs closed.
OH one more thing. You might notice that moey and I now have separate accounts. We realised we could make blogs with more than one contributing author. okay, we knew that before, but just never thought to do it. But it was starting to get confusing, especially when we commented on other peep's blogs. SO last night moey created another account [or i did it FOR her], and VOILA ! now the whole sky is brighter. =)
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee |
lets clarify some things first. |
okay, there seems to be some misunderstanding between you and me.
just because i said that i visited a place with gangsters, doesn't mean i hung out with them. so don't worry, i won't be all 'badass gangsta friended' [quoting moey.] when i return.
uh-oh. only a week of holidays left.
im not sure how we're going to manage to bring all our things back;; we've already packed two fat suitcases, and thats only, what, a third of our things? i guess it means sorting through "the can't live without for a second"s vs. "the can't live without for a week"s
Every night you cry yourself to sleep Thinking "Why does this happen to me? Why does every moment have to be so hard?" Hard to believe that
It's not over tonight Just give me one more chance to make it right I may not make it through the night I won't go home without you
its oh so appropriate, except im singing it to objects rather than a person.
desperately wanting sunny sydney back.
And guess what;; my mum is bringing 60 something TENNIS BALLS to syd. tennis balls are 99% AIR. She is absolutely out of her mind! That precious luggage space could be put to much better use for say, my books?! i think she's finally reached menopause. Whats more, my normally very logical dad is agreeing to this. He's probably reached his mid-life crisis.
the well being of my entire family is now on my shoulders.
x ` jenny.tee |
this commands creativity. |
I'm so. exhausted.
Went for one last shopping trip with my friend [yes you heard right, it wasn't with my mum for once]; bought two tops, shorts, and a bag that has agnes b. on it, but not sure about authenticity.
Since she also had to buy some things for some peeps back in sydney, jenny was almost out of cash by 4pm. I then went with my friend to meet up with her friends at this sort of, hangout?, with a billion gangster guys. eek. we just sat there playing cards though; it was more fun than it sounds actually. jenny also learned that probably more teenagers here smoke than compared to back in syd, which i found a bit suprising because its so much more conservative here. I guess its some sorta rebellion.
as if a day of shopping wasn't enough, i've just come back from a two hour tennis lesson.
im gaaalumphing back into bed as soon as ive pressed post.
x ` jenny.tee
also bought three new eyeliners in brown, silver, and this toned down sort of gold.
..and why is your hair so big? |
-exciting! today i went with sus to claim our expensive library membership cards at usyd. bom said there'd a few showers, 21 degrees ... and me being the chipper of a person that i am : ) hoped it would be less grey than yesterday and all easy breezy, twenty-one degreezy, too bad it wasnt because i rocked up in this:  and so i froze my ass off walking back in drippy rain ! ah well im not sensing any sickness calling, so i guess its all good : ) nerdily, im actually pretty happy with the library-ness even though i always only find one out of ten books 'on shelf' . it makes me feel intellectually stimulated to just be there and research and read and sit amongst hardworking people............shush you.
...Anyways jenny wants to see my new glasses. These are my new glasses, and with my face in them, they look more (or less) appealing, see:
.... and no, you may not mock me and how i didnt realise how proudly they advocated the wrongful colour-combination of brown and yellow aka super-dandy-school-colours Other good things of today included lunching at kura ! tempura gyoza, sashimi, sashimi sushi (including an UNAGI for me!), plus black sesame gelato (apparantly). I also spent on things i think will be useful: 
...including a shameful succumbing to the ways of a study guider (damn you imaginative journeys):
 Also, clearly i am liking the bracket thing BUT its way cool ya'll. and u be down wid dat homies, coz i aint neva turnin back now. mmkay?
maybe i am a little sick. in the head i mean, :)
.......its late soooo im out
xox (!) m.
midnight hunger pains |
im back coz im bored.
you might notice the new link, CUPCAKE BAKEHOUSE, on the ..right.>> [lately ive been having trouble with my left and right =S]
Our reactions upon discovering this site.
fluro fixation says: OMG CUPCAKES fluro fixation says: OMG fluro fixation says: omg... fluro fixation says: **dribble fluro fixation says: i wish i could make them like that jenny says: but theyre a lil too professional for me to try fluro fixation says: yummmmmmmm tho jenny says: my mouth is ACTUALLY watering
ahem, excuse me.
theres another site i found : OH JOY! some of things on it are totally eye candy, but some, i guess are lullabyes.
apparantly we're going to an amusement park tmr. i am just SO looking forward to accompanying my lil brother on kiddy rides.
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee |
she only wanted to lean upon something rather more solid than love. |
-from Madame Bovary. im enjoying the book more and more; its amazing how its so acute and poignant. Its like Gustave Flaubert actually has visited my mind, carefully plucked those feelings and is now parading them for the world to see. a lil embarassing to admit, actually.
i reckon theres a watered down version of Madame Bovary in every girl, esp the ones who has read alot of classic romances, like Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, etc. Im thinking of Rose right now.
urgh trying to keep up in a msn convo with a billion peeps, so im off. nothing much happened today anyways.
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee
thinking bubbles |
well hello how are you?
im suffering from a slight addiction to gossip girl. shameful, but it doesnt stop me from typing it out loud - or if you were sitting here next to me, saying it.
my haircut is no longer prividing me with the natural hairflair it did two weeks ago, so im stuck with the bad hair dilemma i had pre-cut. But i think two and half weeks is a little too soon to be getting a re-trim...what should i do - part it on the wildside?
also, i want some nice airy cotton shirts - subtle floral kind and white crisp collared kind (i got my chequered kind now, thanks jenny <3)
i have about a week of holidays left. i am so scared of kenway and my incomplete overdue essays i think i might pass out (just to keep procrastinating)
oh and by the way :
24-25th January moey's abode movies, food, blablabla, blabla & fun : ) rsvp by tuesday 22nd -other suggestions (like before and afters) very very welcome!
PS. jenny is not invited. Because this is what you get for being overseas. xox moey |
nerdifying. |
Today i was mean to go shopping for some, ahem, necessities. and then i ended up with a new cardigan and lots of lil random things. so, for punishment, i had to endure ENDLESS nagging from my mum. le sigh.
i was wearing a hoodie and chucks today, and once again, a woman taking a jab at my age thought i was 13 or 14. at least its a consistent gap you know; guesses are always around 3 years off my actual age. if i wear heels and coat, its usually only one or two years off. maybe if i get cosmetic surgery the guesses will actually be right?
Well one of my goals this holidays was to earlify my sleeping time from 11 pm to 10.45pm. Instead, im now sleeping at 11.30pm, talking to peeps on msn, back in syd. Who knew so many ppl are still on msn at 2 in the morning? Im normally snoring my head off by then.
im starting to have a new obsession:
    no, not kurt cobain, though he is cool. i mean the glasses. hehe. sexy. and i bought one off ebay just then. impulsive buying? i guess so. still, im excited =)
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee
on second thoughts... being the smart consumer that i am, ive decided to pay later, hopefully when the AUS dollar rises more against the US dollar, since it dropped sharply today. Don't you reckon the glasses will totally compliment my nerdiness?
on third thought, AUS dollar might drop more. and anyway, it'll barely make a difference coz the glasses + shipping is only $19 anyway. might as well get it earlier then.
brrrr! |
its FR-FR-FREEZING today =(
it was so cold it almost felt like london/paris. So, im sitting here, bundled up with my thickest scarves and socks, looking like an inflated jenny-balloon. This is why i don't have webcam peeps. Only my family is allowed to see me when i look like a hobo. at tennis today, this woman in the next court had stripped down to t-shirt and shirts. needless to say, everyone was gawking.
i hate winter because
- of static-ness
- of cold toilet seats
- dry dry skin
- its so damn hard to get out of bed
- freeezing tap water
damn, i had a whole giant list.. its so cold that the only thing i can wear is jeans; its too cold for stockings. Im getting sick of only jeans. i need summer! shorts and skirts, mmm.
i found this new band on myspace, called 'i haunt wizards'. they're more trance and dancey, except they have lyrics [some of them] and they're a bit dark and weird:
"Influences: Pandas! 80's disco Voodoo Doll Spells Harvest Moons Bleach Star Wars Hyponosis Brain Implants Insomnia Dragon Fable Wolverine Discharge Level 20 forest nymphs Women who squirt"
err...women who squirt?? i warned you, they're weird. But their moosic aint so bad. I dunno when i started liking this kinda stuff.
like the new layout? =)
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee
rawr. |
jenny says.
now im even more confused about what to do with my fringe. but most likely ill just keep it as it is, perhaps trim it a lil;; considering colouring hair.
nothing muchos today;; i went to MAC [figured out what it stands for!] after yumcha with rellies, and bought rose her eyeliner. Also bought a concealer for myself, for those emergency situations. I also found this really nice lipstick. Its a sorta pale pink/nude colour, kinda the type i was looking for. Hope i can find it again in syd.
spent rest of the afternoon wandering around guy's clothes, and getting weird looks for it. My cousin wants me to look for this jacket, and mon wants me to get him a top. excuse me, i have trouble picking out things for myself already.
Had fight with mum. When we took some photos to get them printed, she called my ones ugly. so i called hers ugly, and then she went on a rant about how i spend her money and yet im so disrespectful to her. Grr. still pissed off at each other.
Getting worried about my hamster. It seems to just sleep and eat all day, so its getting steadily F.A.T. Its so strange - even if i take it out of its box thing, all it wants to do is just get back inside to sleep. This ain't normal, if you ask me.
hair HAIR hair HAIR hair HAIR hair.
this is the word of x ` jenny. tee
*currently in the process of changing the blog's template. |
beat that! |
ive finally figured out a way to view blogspot.com. HAHA to china censorship - you can't stop jenny, i can even get onto wikipedia now too.
i really want a SLR camera. but my dads just got a new camera, so i doubt he'll get me one. plus the fact that they're about twice the price of normal ones, and i might as well start saving up for it myself. i used to think that theyre kinda pointless because theyre so big and chunky and that the photos turn out basically the same. but i realised that photos taken with SLR cameras are SO much better - they make every pic look professional. but i guess ill just manage with a normal compact one for now.
URGH i spent most of yesterday debating with moey on msn about what to do with my hair. she reckons that i should get a long straight fringe. so i decided to edit a photo [actually tried like 3 photos] to get a preview.
[photo taken in macau.] ahh..i reckon i look like an asian cleopatra. moey reckons it'll look good with my glasses, but i don't wanna be a xie fu clone.
im thinking, maybe just leave it as it is now. to cut or not to cut?
btw betty- your blog ain't working for me. im using those web proxy that we use at school, but when i try to go to your blog it tells me:
URL Error (1): An error has occured while trying to browse through the proxy. The URL you're attempting to access is blacklisted by this server.
also wanting a pair of vans. maybe some plaid ones. [don't want to get them in sydney, because for some reason the vans there just look like keds.] this calls for another shoping trip =) maan, i still have a billion things to buy. some for other peeps, some for me.
back to trying to make sense of french grammar right now, though.
this is the word of x ` jenny. |
bom chika wah wah. |
jenny says:
colleen- there were actually less portugese ppl there than i thought there would be. but we passed this portugese school during lunch time and OHH . the guys standing outside were HOT HOT HOT. i wish there were more portugese ppl in sydney.
and yeah we found some pretty good portugese tarts for mop$6 each, thats less than aus$1, so kino is ripping you off a lil but foods more expensive in syd anyway.they were SO good. we had some last night at a restaurant here as well and omg. so delicious =) the pastry was all flaky and the insides were so... perfect. [eng is so lacking sometimes =( ]
anyway i post up a few photos from macau. we stayed at The Venetian; i bet you realised it was a venice themed hotel. its not just a hotel - since its in macau, obvs it has a giant casino. it also had like two levels of almost-haute couture shops in an area made to look like venetian streets, with jugglers and clowns and gondoliers and opera singers walking around. soo incredible.
me and my mum with a juggler in costume.
ignore my mum, and you get an idea of what the venice themed area is like.
Me and my brother standing infront of a supposedly famous macau landmark.
My brother at hk disneyland. its such a funny photo [dunno the other person]
thats it;; we stayed only a night in macau and there no point in taking photos in hk .
i am getting b.o.r.e.d as hell here.
we haven't visited rellies, only gone out to dinner a couple of times and i could count the number of shopping trips on one hand.
to tell you the truth, as weird as it sounds... ive kinda gotten sick of shopping. maybe its coz i know that even if i wanna buy sth, my mum will nag and complain and whinge about how we can't fit everything into the suitcases, and how ive got so many clothes already. she actually thinks there is such thing as enough clothes. vat universoo arr yoo lifing in?
and the weather is so screwed up here. its meant to be winter here, but yesterday and the day before was hot enough to wear short sleeves. today its cooler again.
you know, to quote Al Gore, if we have no earth, what economy is there to protect?
ok ok i stop. btw tell me if photos ain't working. [edit] ive changed it betty =) its just that the photos werent showing up for me when i first posted them. grr.
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee |
man everytime i try to blog something happens and i get completely distracted and out of the bloggin' zone. because, that zone exists you know.
maybe i will blog properly later, because im already distracted right now .. but here is a series of pictures that detail my friday morning ... the subject: the result:

the yummy yummy icing: (made of dark chocolate, 'cream' aka milk because im not fancy, butter, icing sugar)  and beautiful new measuring shot glass thing:
 : )
how was yours? xoxo moey.
feeeeeeed off me. |
because colleen requested it, i post again tonight. and no, i didnt go to casino in macau. i don't reckon i pass for over 18, other wise i would be having much more fun over here. ppl still guess me at around 15 ish. at least its an improvement from 13.
but sers, you never have to walk more that one street and you will find a casino. and we went to a portugese restaurant. mm, i think i was expecting sth rather different;; but it just turned out to be more of a twist on asian food. but it was still a nice break from the normal salty chinese foods. they used a lot of tomatoes so it was much more.. um sweet n juicy? you know, that kinda feeling you get from biting into a juicy tomato. oh man this is turning into some kinda food blog.
and ive turned the 'moderate comments' thing on not coz i reckon you guys will spam;; its just thats the only way i can read any comments you guys post. stoopid chinese censorship.
and colleen;; yesterday i broke your 'FJACK' bracelet. sorry =( i was like in shock/mourning for like the next 10 mins. ='( i shall miss the questions from sussed out peeps.
yesterday i bought some cds right; among them was this MIKA one. I know i already have his album, but on the song listy thing on the back it said it another disc of songs i hadn't heard of. I thought that this was some secret special release thing [unlikely as it is that he would do it in china.] .. and i bought it.
i was so excited to listen to ittoday, but as soon as it started playing i realised it wasnt MIKA. looking at the song titles more closely, i realised it was .... *drum roll* ..... ROBBIE WILLIAMS.
ok i guess robbie williams ain't that bad, but its such a big letdown after expecting an extra dose [and a much needed kick] of MIKA. so i've ripped the music =), and gonna try to refund/exchange the cd on the basis that the product doesn't match description. not sure if there are such laws here tho =S
im swearing alot recently. =( shall. wash. my. mouth.
this is the word of x ` jenny.tee amen. |
jack really loves me.[says The White Stripes] |
jenny says:
hollaa peeps we are still here. at least, i am.
today;; i learnt to drift! ..on a machine. thats a good thing coz i keep on crashing. lol, met up with shumzo coz he's also here in gz. went to one of those game arcade thingies. bummed around, got bored, then went to this China Plaza. Bought a new school bag yay! and sunnies too. and some cds. thats my day today.
so yeah, got back from hk and macau a couple of days ago. and then my comp screwed up, so it got formatted. so ive had to re -install everything. urgh i hate it when that happens. anyway, i don't have photoshop so im not gonna post piccies up yet. =) in short, i ended up with some new clothes and two pairs of new shoes. I also met my lil cousin, who's 4, a girl, and almost as bad as my bro. so imagine what happens when they decide to gang up on lil jenny. she is forced to be a horse, a merry go round and finally defend herself from a lethal flying barbie.
but;; that is past.
in the future lies the hsc. i should study more shouldn't i.
This is the word of x ` jenny tee. amen. |
still 2007 here in china. |
since its NYE, i think im allowed to be a lil sentimental.
This year, things have changed so much its a lil scary. At the beginning of the year, i was happy when i didn't have hw to do. after exams i looked forward to going out with friends, maybe buy sth to 'reward' myself. Now, i feel guilty when im not burying myself with work or revision and i feel happy when im top of things. After exams i look forward to lots of sleep and bumming around doing nothing. maybe cleaning up my room which is filled with sheets and books. maybe buying a new book for extra reading, or a related text.
teachers are also almost our friends too. there is also nothing wrong with staying in the maths room from 3rd-7th period. whaat.?
And this is only after yr 11 and a term of yr 12;; what will i become after the hsc?
omg today has got to be one of the most traumatising days of my short life. i was holding my hamster [my bro named it superster sonic sth sth] on my balcony. maybe it thought it had an increased chance of escape out there; it started rushing around in a frenzy. and then a LEAP and WOOSH! it was falling down 4 floors. i actually heard the THUD when it landed on the concrete below. i was swearing like there was no tmr;; luckily it was still twitching and when i picked it up it was alive but not moving at all. omg i felt so bad - we've only had it for three days. i put it back inside its lil hut thingy and for the rest of the day i was half in a daze and couldnt bare to look inside. i thought it was like 99.99% probability of death =( then i had tennis lesson and came back at around 8 ish... and i looked inside. and VIOLA ! IT WAS ALIVE - but not kicking. i think its fine; but it has a bit of a limp. i really should take it to the vet tmr.
i found this site: www.bonfireofthebrands.com really interesting. am i being hyprocritical? yes i am. eg: my dad just bought a new digital camera the other day. this brings the family total to at least 4. all of them are functioning perfectly too.
It is now 2008 in australia. new year resolutions:
I will stop caring so much about what other peeps think of me. I will ace the HSC. I will be nicer to my bro.
i think theres more;; momentarily forgot them.
that lil hamster made it one heck of a day.
x ` jenny tee. |