Finally booked tickets to Coffs and Melbourne, so now (almost) everything has been organised. Yayness.
But right now, I think I should face the present reality. According to my list of exam preparation work, I have to write at least 4 top-notch essays in a week.
Well, better get crackin'. (Or I might get told off by Colleen again for using this as an procrastination tool)
I've made some improvements - I've managed to stay MSN-free for three nights now. (Quick get back to work before Colleen berates me tomorrow!)
So probs not much blogging will be happening for next two weeks.
in keeping with jenny's theme of 'impending yearbook = DOOOOM!!', i decided to flip through old photobooks. And contrary to what one may believe, the third child does have many baby pictures to choose from...i just havent looked hard enough is all. :(
its funny coz i was trying to pinpoint a change in character but instead found striking similarities:
love of cake (cup or otherwise)
and of course, being fat and jolly in general. no biggie there.
hmm, wonder why i haven't got any work done this weekend...exams here i come!
I decided that maybe I should get started on my yearbook page, seeing as it's due in about a week's time. And so far, I've got...
(Yeah my eyes are kinda unevenly sized. Don't know if you guys have noticed it, but it still is to this day.)
That's my cousin Alex, and me. No, this isn't going into my yearbook page. It's for the comparison. Notice the transition from cute baby to not-so-cute almost-adult?
Its so cold today. Maybe it's because I basically barricaded myself inside the house for most of the day.
You know you've become a workaholic when on hearing about a teacher's strike, your first response is "YES chance to catch up on homework!" But when (almost) everyone else's reaction is the same, you know that its just the HSC turning everyone senile.
So the first thought that came into my head as I jumped (more like crawled) out of bed this morning was : "I'm going to work harder to get better marks." So I wrapped myself up like a hobo and turned on the computer, ready to work my ass off ... and started reading blogs. Daymn.
In exactly six months time, we will be at Coffs Harbour already, probably sitting around a fire on a beach like this, having forgotten about this HSC already.
photo from
Dreaming about post-HSC is like my drug. Seriously.
Yes you heard right. Jenny can take a Malteaser and blow it so that it just hovers in the air, just above the lips. The greatest achievement of this week =) (yes only this week, because it doesn't beat my managing to catch up on 4U maths last week. )
It's been christened the Ewan McGregor imitation because we got the idea from Ewan McGregor:
and then after the Malteaser falls:
HAHA... "Malteaser in da hood...shiiit!"
Well you can tell how event-less this week has been, since I'm blogging about Ewan McGregor and Malteasers.
I just looked down at the French worksheet on my desk and saw, "page 69" Oh I'm so easily amused.
i know this is a bit old, but everytime i browse the shops, my mind keeps darting back to the spring 2008 Luella collection, and then nothing i see ever looks good enough. judge for yourself:
see? very very lovely. : ) ahhh im even feeling the need to resort to making my own dresses (despite the obvious time restraints...exams in 2.5 weeks...)
and now that i think about it, i swear my cousins and i were forced to wear such floral dresses back in the grungey days of the nineties (i think this michelle pfieffer version of batman was made then too). and horror of all horrors i distinctly remember hating them. :( oh well, times change, im glad my mind has settled for the better . hehe.
well lets hope i find a dress, or the time to make one ?
A while ago I applied to sponsor a child through World Vision. As I was under 18, I needed parental permission. My mum told me to wait till I was more financially stable, which was fair enough. But then she also said to me, "If you're going to donate money, you should help your own people first and donate to all those poor Chinese people." And then she began to tell me all those newspaper stories of children who had to work and care for their sick parents, etc etc. I don't think I even need to recount the argument that followed.
So, as today is Sunday, my mum dragged me to church this morning. And what else should they focus on but the earthquake in China? (plus a little bit on Burma too). So my Mum leaves the church saying, "See, if you're gonna donate, help the people in China. Help your own people first. Those poor kids, they're gonna grow up without a family."
Excuse me, why is someone's life worth more just because we are the same ethnicity? Are we not all humans? It's the same with how the media reports situations in the Middle East. Whenever an Australian/US/British soldier dies, there are whole reports dedicated to them. Whenever there is a mass suicide attack, the hundreds of dead Iraqis/Afghans are just figures.
And somehow, I don't think that the orphans in China are in a situation any more desperate than those in, say, Mozambique. No matter how deprived the orphans are, I'm sure they'll still be guaranteed clean water.
Anyway, onto less depressing stuff. Last night was Chris's 18th; Nothing extraordinarily fun. I only stayed for the dinner - which was sort of pathetic (sorry to be mean) but it was seriously 3-4 small dishes between a whole table. I mean, these are carnivorous males I'm sharing a table with. The cake was more interesting - a boobies cake. Kevin attempted to start a cake fight by caking Daniel but got told off by Johnny. Ahh... Funny stuff. Being a good girl of course I went home after dinner, while the rest went up to a hotel to ... do stuff that you do when you're 18. And other...stuff. (I'm a bit paranoid about what I say on this cuz I know my Dad knows I have a blog. And since its emblazoned on my MSN PM there's every chance he's reading this right now.)
And ... today was just spent integrating. And integrating some more. I swear I could kill the person who invented calculus.
OK i don't really have anything interesting to say, but i just found THE most hilarious eavesdropped quote of all time: (from
Guy: So I tried to set my password to "Penis". Girl: [...] Guy: It said my password wasn't long enough.
I'm still not over it.
Yeah and on the train coming back from State today, my cousin and I (go correct grammar!) got sort of accosted by this semi-crazy woman. After claiming she was a high school teacher, and telling us in great depth about her daughter, she went on to tell us the "secret" to acing the HSC: they recycle questions, and that was how she aced her ancient history exam. So I was like, "I don't think they do that anymore, because lots of people download past papers for practice." But she insisted they still do it.
And she also claimed that the people who set the english exam papers were from SGHS, because when you look at the top five for "General English" (WTH is that anyway.?) they all come from SGHS. Uh. Maybe we're just good?
At first she seemed just talkative..but as she continued to babble on and on and on the more I was convinced she was COO COO.
-50-ish rockstar-ish man looking for black hair dye to cover up his grey hair.
I'm going to have a whinge. Be warned.
My internet has actually slowed to a c..r..a..w..l. This is pretty bad news for me, since my near-daily dose of blogs usually involves a lot of pictures.
As I'm technically not capped yet, I tried to get Aleks to help me... but I'm a total computer noob and stuff like line attenuation and phone port filters might as well be Arabic to me. So I'm hoping that tomorrow all will be well again.
And I've totally overshot my monthly budget - by more than twice what I'm allowed to spend per month. And it's not even halfway through May. So no more spending for Jenny for one and a half month. Damn. Friend's birthday this weekend. Jenny is going to have to be skint skint skint .
Today. Was Mother's day. Me, being the grateful and appreciative daughter, of course spent the day going, "Oh lemme do that for you Mum." I swear, so much of the stuff she does is quite unnecessary. Like ironing my brother's school shirts? He's seven, it probably gets crumpled by the time he gets into the car in the morning anyway. But of course you don't say that to her.
And of course our family took it as an excuse to have another food fest. I tried watching Big Brother, and I got to say that the show is getting more and more desperate. Oh and I almost swallowed an ant that happened to take a swim in my cup of water. Totally gross.
And what's Mother's Day without a last minute scramble to get presents? So yesterday Jenny woke up nice and early (since she had tutoring in the arvo) to go to city with Moey; first to get some new moosic:
then I saw her face; now I'm a believer...L to R: Monkees, Bob Dylan - Nashville Skyline, Beirut - The Flying Club Cup.
Then up the Strand to check out The Graduate's store, where Jenny found this lovely purply-maroony sweater by Maplebrown:
Then met Mon and trooped off to Myer, then the 'store' under QVB and finally to DJs to buy some mummy presents, eventually settling for these cups and saucers. I never knew homeware shopping could be so strenuous. I didn't even get time to grab lunch before I power-walked back to station to catch train to tutoring.
Now, I'm dosed on cold medicine and feeling extremely sleepy. Not sure how I'm supposed to survive tomorrow, since its the day I have no frees at all.
cranky old bitch is a discouraged and sleep deprived HSC student, whose growing waistline is the reason why her favourite jeans are suddenly giving her back spasms. and yes, from tightness.
cranky old bitch in a nutshell:
why hsc, why?!
(one benefit is that crankiness is next to obsessiveness, and so i am now currently loving the presets and their many, many, beautiful sounds.)
So today was my brother's parent teacher interview. And as usual I was dragged along to be translator. Anyway, when we got to my brother's school, my mum took my brother to the toilets. She told me to wait outside with the bags, but since I was kinda out of it I just dawdled along and followed them into the toilet building. Ahead of me, my mum and bro turned into this doorway on the left of the hallway. Noticing another doorway on the right, I stupidly glanced in and HOLY MACARONI (watered down version of my reaction) there was this full grown man in a suit, PEEING. As you might know (though i don't see any reason why you should) boys school toilets, instead of separate urinals with flappy things and suspended at the right height, they just have this long drain thing on the ground. So I was able to see EXACTLY the path of the uh. pee as it flowed down (and no I didn't trace the path upwards.)
Blindly, I spun back towards the doorway that my mum went through, hoping it was a girls toilet - forgetting that this was a boy's school, but I was reminded by another boy who walked past. By this time I was feeling like a total pervert and scrambled as fast as I could back down the hallway and back out into the playground. PHEW.
I bet I'm gonna regret posting this as soon as you bash me with comments telling me I'm a pedophile and pervert.
This is absolutely friggin ridiculous. As you might know, I've been complaining about being almost capped for the last two weeks, thanks to my cousins. So tonight, on my way to check whether I've been capped, I notice:
Package Type: ADSL2+/6GB Light
6GB?!?! My Dad told me it was a 3GB plan. Are you telling me I yelled at my cousins and abstained from the internet for NOTHING..?
Anyway, here is a photo of the cupcakes I bought for my aunt+ uncle and great grandma last week, while they were living at our place:
I actually bought 8 from Cupcakes on Pitt (Street) but when I took the photo two of them were already sitting in ppl's stomachs. (Actually, I bought these with Colleen and Moey, who also bought two, and then we went up to Colleen's place to enjoy some of them. Some pictures on Colleen's camera, don't know if she'll post them though.)
I'm already wishing for spring again, even if it's only the middle of autumn.
photos from
Although we don't really have cherry blossoms in Australia =( I think they are one of the most beautiful flowers; they're so delicate and tender (I know, not the best word to describe a flower)
But ultimately, it's summer that I'm waiting for because with this summer comes the end of this goddam HSC. (I think I should stop whinging about the HSC.)
-the ingenious invention of a year 12 selective school student.
and where are our comments? Don't make us look sad and unloved =(
I just want to say that in exactly 6 months time (ie, 5 November, 10.14 pm) I will have finished this torturous character-building HSC and will probably be celebrating my arse off.
On the other hand, in three months and two weeks time, I will be doing my first HSC exam - French orals. Yayas.
And I am approx 1MB from being capped so I don't have any pretty pictures to compensate.
The house is finally quiet again. After taking everyone to the airport in the wee hours of the morning (that's what it felt like to me) I dropped by at Priceline to get my ear pierced by Bel, who did it for me for free, so I just had to pay for earrings. Now my poor right ear looks like this;;
The cartilage part is still quite sore. Bel didn't know how much longer it takes to heal coz she's never done it before (lol) but I think she did a decent job, non? Still, I wish I could get it at the top top part, rather than this halfway up/down place.
Seeing as my Dad, aunt and uncle left today, our gluttonous family of course took the opportunity last night to have another food fest celebrate my great-grandma's birthday. After eating minimal amounts (I've learnt to save space for desert these past few weeks) we took out the yummy ice-cream cake from Wendy's (my great grandma LOVES ice cream.) and turned off the lights. All the clueless adults were like, "HEY, YOU KIDS! Stop playing with the lights and turn them back on!"
Eventually we made it through the throng and sat the cake down on where the grannies and gramps were playing mahjong;; (I still haven't figured out how to get around this auto resizing thing, so click to enlarge.) 1. "Phwoar! look at all these presents!" 2. "Look at these photos of my spawn!" 3. "Do I have to kiss my daughter next to me if my knife touches the bottom?" 4. (a quarter of) her personal cheer squad.
Yeah the photos are a bit funny coloured because my aunt insists on using flash.
And if you're bored, look up Harlequin disease. Frrreaky.