Friday, March 28, 2008
100 th POST ! !
This is our 100th post !
Well, many blogs might celebrate this by going on a [cheesy] spiel about how important our reader's support has been to us over the last how ever many months, but let's save that for another day shall we? [you ARE important nevertheless =)]

And since Moey is currently cupcake-obsessed, she decided to use the excuse to enjoy some at Hyde Park with Jenny.

Cupcakes from Cupcake on Pitt St:

Moey eyeballing some seagulls:

...before digging into her chocolate and chilli cupcake. Yumm.

Jenny's [with her sexy grass hair] turn:

[Notice how the lighting and colour is kind of inconsistent. Blame my camera - or my photoshopping skills]

And in totally unrelated news, today was also my brother's birthday; as soon as I came come he was like to me, "When are you going to give me my present?"
He's just SO sweet and polite isn't he.

Btw peeps; PLEASE remember to hurry up and make your decision about Coffs Harbour and Melbourne trip. Or we'll just count you out.
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 9:59 PM - 2 comments
Monday, March 24, 2008
"You're right! girls don't have dicks!"
-my brother, pointing to a picture in his book.

I'm kind of glad to be going back to school tomorrow, actually. At least I won't be wasting my days making feeble attempts to do some work and spending money on unnecessary things.

Like travel tens. On Sunday I realised I finished my old one and forgot to bring new one, so decided to buy a new one instead of paying extra - even if I had a couple at home from when I stocked up in anticipation of fare rise [typical Asian cheapness lol]. So now I have about four of them floating around in my wallet and at home.

And hair products. Today I just bought this Marc Daniels "So Curly". I always buy these stuff - I think it stems from the fact that my hair doesn't ever respond to anything. I can load and load and blow and blow and curl and straighten and in about two hours its all flat and lanky again. So then I go and buy new ones, hoping that they might work.
Actually I have some that work - the grey Gatsby Moving Rubber from China - a lot of Asian guys are obsessed with it as well - and this Andrew Collinge Weightless Volume mousse, which makes my hair nice and un-flat... but then I don't want to use it up too fast since Priceline doesn't stock them anymore.

I've eaten so much chocolate this Easter it's unbelievable. I've managed to resist large amounts of chocolate for a while - but then comes yummy Cadbury eggs and Lindt bunnies and it's just sooo hard to say no. Especially when at work, all the Easter chocolates are on sale and so everyone buys them and shares them around. Time to start exercise ! =(

Anyway, this is the 99th post !
If we can be bothered maybe we'll do something for the 100th.

Now, back to making feeble attempts to do work.
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 7:50 PM - 0 comments
Sunday, March 23, 2008
"I spy with my sexy eyes...something beginning with 's' !"
- two little boys on the train. Took me so much effort to try and not crack up.

Today me and Moey decided that we needed to do some pre-formal shopping. I tried on a few at DJ and Myer, but didn't actually find anything that particularly caught my attention. Found this AWESOME knitted vest by 'Something' though:

The colour of the photo is a bit weird from the lighting, but its a really nice grey, and its got a little gold heart at the back. It's even got these badges at the front!
But... at $90 it wasn't really worth it [it wasn't even wool or anything - only synthetics] plus the fact I'm supposed to be saving meant I had to leave it. But it was so nice ! It even sort of went with what I was wearing today, and they even had it in my size. I hate stupid inflated prices. =(

And my mp3 charger broke! FINALLY I have a legitimate excuse to get a new one =)

I'm feeling the need to go on another rant now.
In the Thursday paper there was this newspaper article with advance extracts of a speech that George Bush was going to give out that day, regarding the troop increase. It just really shows how incredibly idiotic he is, or more like how much he's trying to brainwash everyone.

"The surge has done more than turn the situation in Iraq around - it has opened the door to a major strategic victory in the broader war on terror.
"For the terrorists, Iraq was where al-Qaeda rallied Arab masses to drive America out. Instead, Iraq has become the place where Arabs joined with Americans to drive al-Qaeda out.
"An emboldened al-Qaeda with access to Iraq's oil resources could pursue its ambitions to acquire weapons of mass destruction to attack America and other free nations."
And the article was saying how their Budget office has estimated that the Iraq war has costed $1 -$2 trillion.

He is using the same old rhetoric as before, the very same ones that have been disproved. What gullible idiots does he take us to be?
And Arabs joining up with Americans? I really don't think thats the case right now.
I could go on about this the whole night, but nah... planning post hsc stuff is more fun =) And I think the quotes speak for themselves anyway.

this is the word of jenny.tee as at 6:28 PM - 3 comments
Friday, March 21, 2008
-my Mum.

Today has been preeetty boring I must say.
Planned to go to Moey's beach/house; people have been telling me that it was going to rain, but I had my fingers crossed. Unfortch when I opened my eyes this morning, all hope was dashed. =(

So stuck at home, I started cleaning my room again. I know I seem to be always doing it, but it was unbelievably messy. Spent a while on the net with Moey, trying to figure out the end-of-hsc dilemma.

Then Mum forced me to do driving practice. She's making me drive one hour a day this Easter break. And oh shit, my Mum and brother has to be the worst two back seat drivers IN THE WORLD. I'm usually pretty confident with my driving but with them two in the car I feel lucky to get out of the car alive.

I wore my new gold Converse Jack Purcell today. =) 'What's Jack Purcell?' I hear you ask. It's like Converse Chuck Taylor's lesser known brother [not
literally] I've never heard of it either before I bought these. Forgot to take pic, but they are AWESOME.

And I found out that one disc of my White Stripes CD is screwed up =( At least all the good songs were on the first CD.

Yum.. easter eggs ! My brother actually made me go on an Easter egg hunt using the bazillion eggs he got from his little midget friends. It's not as cute nor as fun as you might think. At least I got to keep them. Uh oh think I might need to start exercising again soon.

I am currently obsessed with this song:
Beirut - Nantes

[This obviously isn't the official video]
I love the French-ness of the accordion and his voice, even thought it reminds me a bit of old men. =S But I do love some French accordion.
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 9:04 PM - 2 comments
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"AO.... Adults Only."

-Mr Flano, talking about Ms Varady's Order of Australia.

Today happened to be language festival at school today. As usual, the best thing about it was the FOOD.
Here's Moey enjoying some korean rice cake things:


And look what Jenny has!
Hot pink wayfarers! Bought them yesterday. Even if i will never have the guts to wear them out, they are a great piece of eye candy.

I look weird =(

We also went to city Myer to visit the MAC. While waiting for the buses we happened to meet Nusrat who was also going to MAC. Coincidence !

Moey bought a MAC foundation:
Jenny bought a pencil eyeliner in Phone Number [what a funny name]. Its sort of a metallic grey-blue-black. I also found a bunch of other very nice colours, which I reckon I'll go back to buy when I'm not as povo.
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 8:45 PM - 3 comments
Monday, March 17, 2008
"is that your bum?!"
It's Easter again!

Time to hand out easter eggs. Sorry if i missed you. =(

Yesterday I found this random metal ring thing lying around the house :

For want of something better to do, I decided to make a necklace thingy out of it by wrapping it in wool.

You have NO idea how many times I did and undid that;; took me the whole night.

And yesterday I also found this HILARIOUS photo of my grandma and my brother:

This was when my family and about ten other rellies went down to Jervis Bay for the weekend about a month ago. I didn't go - and don't regret it either (since I got to go to Mon's bday instead) The expression on my grandma's face just cracks me up so bad.

And here's another interesting article from Frankie:

"Things to do before you turn 30: start a revolution"

Here's part of the intro:
"I once spent a weekend in Tirana, Albania, hanging around in bars with young people who were plotting to change the world...The trip was worth it because these young people, hanging around in these particular bars had changed it, several times. The occasion was the Tirana Activism Festival, the first official gathering of the youth-led movements that have been a catalyst of upheaval in Easter Europe, Central Asia and the Middle East since the mid-1990s. Those people...few of them over 30, had between them helped overthrow four governments in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine and Lebanon. "

The rest of the article goes on about the different youth led groups and their tactics and success. One of the first of these groups was Otpor! in Yugoslavia:
"A little over two years later, Otpor! has swelled to a mass movement that played a crucial role in removing the dictator out of power. They did it, to a large degree, by laughing him out of the building. A factor common to all tyrannies is their complete unawareness of their own ridiculousness, and Otpor! summoned the courage to point this out with a mixture of prankery, graffiti and inspired copywriting."

I'm aware that the journalist might have exaggerated their effectiveness for sensationalism,(I'm a bit paranoid after the English topic) but it's pretty inspiring the way people not much older than us can find such ingenious non-violent methods to make their point.

lol don't worry;; just because I said they're inspiring, doesn't mean I'm going to start a revolution here. But it would be a pretty awesome experience. They definitely haven't wasted their lives sitting in offices punching numbers into Excel.
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 8:05 PM - 2 comments
Sunday, March 16, 2008
"I think there's a hotboy drought."
-Monica Chao.
Truest thing I've heard for a while.

So thus Jenny is forced to look elsewhere for eye candy.
Just take a look at this:

This has GOT to be
l'evasion parfait. Add some bean bags, and you get the PERFECT seclusion zone - it's so cozy ! I actually found this on Fafi's website - but I'm not sure why theres a random cardboard cut-out of her drawing in this photo.

One day I WILL have a room like this.

And Moey will remember this =) THIS girl's room is so absolutely adorable as well. Take a peek.
Here's one of the photos.

I absolutely LOVELOVELOVE this tse tse lamp from Habitat. Unfortch they don't have retailers in Australia (available in NZ though, for some reason) and they don't sell online.

The link to her whole blog is actually on the list of links (Cherry Blossom Girl) >>
She writes in French - now she translates parts of her post to English, but unfortch everything sounds lame-er when it's in Eng lol.

Man I feel like such a stalker, checking up all these photos of peep's rooms =(
Motivates me to tidy up my room though . URGH OCD coming back !

x `jenny.tee
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 2:27 PM - 0 comments
Friday, March 14, 2008
let's all cry for robots.
So, today was meant to be poker day at thai's place, but it got cancelled.

After stacking all my exam notes away this morning, now i'm just sitting here being unbelievably bored, looking and thinking of new ways to waste my money, and picking out new songs to put into mp3.

Things i've come up with so far:
  • plaid Vans
  • bright blue Cheap Monday jeans
  • thick plaid-ish scarf that i saw the other day
  • MAC eyeliner in black/ink green/brown
  • MAC Fafi blush in fashion frenzy
  • Jason Mraz's Mr A-Z
  • Patrick Wolf's Magic Position
Money is too easy to spend.

Oh and Transformers is an AWESOME movie. I've never liked action movies much, especially such blokey ones with cars and machines. But i was totally engrossed, believe it or not. The humour had wit and a touch of satire, it wasn't sexist (except Megan Fox always had her boobs in your face), and it wasn't cheesy (except for happy-ending scene) and the visual effects were incredibly impressive (except this one shot that looked like it was taken from the video game). Er... ignore the exceptions and you get a kick-ass movie. I want to keep it for myself now lol.

I love these photos, taken in Paris yonks ago.

Um i just realised that it's now 3pm, my brother just came home form school, and i haven't even had lunch. I'm not even hungry. huh.

x ` jenny.tee
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 2:54 PM - 3 comments
Thursday, March 13, 2008
"i was wondering if i could ride you home?"
-transformers movie

So, i was planning to sleep in today. Instead, my mum wakes me up at 10am to go to the bank with her. Then i was forced to eat this gross cereal, since i couldn't be bothered to make anything else, and seeing as there wasn't even bread in the house.

What a shitty start to the day.

Basically just spent the rest of the day cleaning my room; seriously i think i got OCD since this new state of cleanliness makes me incredibly happy.

Met up with shumzo in the arvo since i owed him a shout, bummed around burwood and stratty, and then it was off to tutoring. so hard to focus.

So now i'm off to watch Transformers (loving it already) which is why this post sounds so disjointed lol.

x ` jenny.tee
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 9:03 PM - 0 comments
got to say mmm
yipeee! yesterday me and jenny FINALLY went to suffice our cupcake cravings...

and i wish simply gazing at the 12 seemingly scrumptious babycakes would have done it for me but i had to go and spoil the picturesque moment by devouring 7 (with my family's help of course :] ) of them. Luckily i gave five away otherwise i think i would have died from sugar poisoning..

too be honest with you i dont think these were the BEST cupcakes in the world, some were actually a let down - the madeira, hazelnut mud, strawberry mud. the madeira almost tasted a bit like coles cakes , and the hazelnut and strawberry ones werent as rich or flavousome as i would have expected ...but some were actually pretty damn good - choc mint mud, lemon poppyseed & mixed mud - these ones were rich and tangy in their respective flavours and the mixed mud had the yummy home-baked taste!

all in all i think my next cupcake hit should go back to cupcakes on pitt st, many more delicious cupcake experiences were had there and the trek wont be nearly as far!

something else i pondered during the day:

...seeing as though so many of us are on the topic of formal dresses, because gee only 8 months to go!

in real-life the shade is a bit darker but i had to brighten up the pic so the details could show through. . . jenny gave it a thumbs down but it was so light and comfy to wear i wanted to ask for further opinions...$140! although i do agree that it is a little sack-y on me ( and haha look at i almost have no legs left : P )

wishing people good luck for their last exams!!
this is the word of moey as at 11:45 AM - 1 comments
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
"2000 bc is a good movie."
First day of freedom today and jenny headed straight to the city.

First stop.

Sarah Blasko: What the Sea Wants the Sea Will Get
I actually found the standard edition for $10 but then this was $13 for the 2 discs =)

Listening to it right now and it's awesome. I've put a clip of her at the end of the post.

Kate Nash: Made of Bricks
I love buying new music. =)

And I bought the Transformer's dvd for my brother's bday but I don't think thats worth sticking up a pic of lol.
I was also going to buy CAKE album (they're a band, not food) and Patrick Wolf's Magic Position, but unfortunately jenny is not a money tree and those albums were rather expensive.

Second stop.
3 rd level on The Strand to look for The Graduate Store, which is supposed to "provide a platform for up and coming designers to showcase and retail their work", but for me it was a bit of a disappointment. Everything was a bit, bleh, nothing particularly outstanding. So we just wandered around the two levels, drooling at the pretty clothes, but eventually our stomachs called and so we got some rolls and hiked to Hyde Park.

Third stop.
TGV, because moey was looking for shoes. unsuccessfully. jenny saw many pieces of potential wardrobe fillers, but fortunately sizing problems saved jenny from impulsive buying.

Fourth stop.
BABY CAAAKESS! this was moey's highlight of the day, for two reasons. One: we were harassed by this drunken hobo TWICE. yes, same hobo, twice. Seriously, this was one scary hobo. Two: duh, the cakes. Unfortunately when i got home half of them were not photographic anymore, but perhaps moey will have pics, or you guys can check out their site. prepare to drool.

Then moey went home as jenny went back to Town Hall to meet mon. Off to Norita , which i've never been to. It's this place with ice cream and milkshakes (mon's shout) , and you get to play board games. It's a pretty cool place to just bum, its really homey and comfy, but unfortch with only two people the games weren't much fun =(

So off to reading cinemas in market city for a free movie. Decided to watch Meet the Spartans, because the only other movie on that time was Rambo, which is one: R and two: shit. Spartans wasn't much better. They basically took the movie 300 and messed around with it as much as possible. Toilet humour, sex jokes, heads getting knocked off, etc. I think they were trying to be satirical of pop culture, but it turned out really lame. Oh well, at least i got to work out my stomach muscles from laughing.

Then went in search of dinner. Couldn't decide, and i was still kind of full from ice cream, so trained it home.

Oh, also spent a while in Lincraft trying to find some material to make my mum's Mother's day pressie, but failed.

Staying home tomorrow, to do some serious cleaning and resting.

Here is my favourite Sarah Blasko song, "Explain"
*I've found the official video, so I've put it up instead.

x ` jenny.tee
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 9:12 PM - 0 comments
Tuesday, March 11, 2008

you guys remember the "e-e-e-ecstasy" song from Summer High Heights?
they've actually turned it into a actual song. Omg this is hilarious.

Well, seeing as I survived my last exam [French orals was horrible. She asked all these questions from last assessment =(] I rewarded myself with an ice cream and Frankie.
So I was quickly flipping through it before I had to go to work today, and guess what I saw:

"the graduates - we asked three freshly minted degree-holders from UTS's design school what they do with themselves all day."

Look who's in the middle! Robby Tjia! No I'm not related to him; I wish i was, lol. But yeah, this is just an article about design graduates from UTS. But Robby Tjia has some pretty awesome stuff;; he's actually worked for Alexander McQueen, and he's won a bunch of awards too. Unfortch he's not well known enough to be on google, but I'm looking forward to when his designs come out =) ... even if I might not be able to afford them, due to my inevitable povo-uni-student status.

Despite that, I'm planning on some spending sprees over the next few days pour fêter la fin des examens!

I swear that there's something else I'm forgetting to say. Oh wells. toodlies. Looking forward to some fun fun funess tomorrow!

x ` jenny.tee
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 8:59 PM - 1 comments
ahhh. my addictions are creeping up on me.

one. in the pretense of cleaning up my post-assessment/filthy-teenaged room for reasons of hygeine and mental stablity, i have found that this too is growing into a procrastination aid. booo. everything i do except studying is, thus only study helps study and thats just not cool.

two. ive been drooling for cupcakes for one whole week now (possibly longer because it feels like ive been waiting my WHOLE LIFE) but instead have been homebound completely - cleaning and picking up books. and nothing saciates cupcake craving besides cupcakes. NOTHING. i've even started to count how many i'll be buying tomorrow (yessssss!) and Dangnammit they better be the best fucking cupcakes in sydney! yes i've been waiting THAT long - how long? TOO LONG! that long. yes.

three. sadly my tastebuds are suggesting that coffee and chai lattes are nothing when they're not served frothy and in cosy paper takeaway cups that one can sip deliriously from. in my homebound state i've resorted to boiling milk in pans, then whisking profusely with forks lol. i left this huge burnt milk stain on my stove but luckily my mum loves my life (because stove spillage is close to home burning, duh) more than she loves tidy stoves so she forgave me and i cleaned it : )

four. the strokes are what cupcakes are for the soul, for my ears.
according to my sister 'they were like 5 years ago!' except she probably just meant 'stop trying to put your earplugs in my ear!'
deep down i have this inkling that they might not be, but at the same time that they are, just the best.

well they're good for this moment and that is what counts right ?

(haha homebound is such a lame word and i used it 3 times plus the title has nothing to do with my post : ) ...just with my current state of mind i spose.)
this is the word of moey as at 4:17 PM - 2 comments
Monday, March 10, 2008
rain rain, go away.
Well, I saw this dress on eBay:

To get or not to get? It's not really that expensive (probably around $30 with shipping) , so it wouldn't really matter if theres something wrong with it. Actually, its so cheap that there probably IS something wrong with it. lol.

And I was thinking also of looking for formal dress on eBay too - but I think that's too much of a risk with the fit.

Anyway, lets get back to studying for French orals (last exam - thank GOD)
SO looking forward to my 5-day weekend. =)

x` jenny.tee
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 5:18 PM - 3 comments
Sunday, March 9, 2008
popity pop!

Did I ever mention I love Atomic Kitten?

I went through this phase of thinking they were too cheesy, but recently I dug them up and is loving them again.
They're so sing-along-able... that's not really a good thing when I'm trying to study Economics for the third day in a row. As if Eco stands a chance.



Man they've matured so much. Even their new songs are all [sort of] serious. I miss the old Atomic Kitten:

The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
The tide is high but I'm holding on
I'm gonna be your number one
Number one, number one

Every time that I get the feeling,
You give me something to believe in,
Every time that I got you near me
I know the way that I want it to be,
But you know I'm gonna take my chance now,
I'm gonna make it happen some how,
And you know I can take the pressure
A moments pain for a lifetimes pleasure

Every girl wants you to be her man
But Ill wait right here till its my turn
I'm not the kind of girl
Who gives up just like that
Oh, no

The tide is high but I'm holding on
Im gonna be your number one
The tide is high but I'm holding on
Im gonna be your number one

Definitely take that over studying for HSC anytime.
Actually I'd take anything over studying. Maybe except torture.

Speaking of torture, George Bush has vetoed a bill that was going to ban the CIA using mild torture on terrorist suspects, claiming that things like water boarding were 'crucial weapons' against the war against terrorism. My arse is a more legitimate weapon.
It really annoys me how they seize on every chance to use the 'war on terrorism' excuse to attack anyone who questions their methods. Its basically the American version of "They're un-Australian". Same pathetic excuse.

Okay, end of rant =)
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 9:06 PM - 2 comments
Friday, March 7, 2008
I wish I was tall and leggy. Imagine the kind of pretty clothes I could wear. I could look like this in skinny jeans.
This girl isn't even a model or anything:

[These remind me of the bright blue Cheap Monday jeans I want. Actually, I've set myself some goals for these assessments and if I achieve them then I can go buy them. =)]
I think that's the only thing I hate about being short - being limited to only particular styles when it comes to clothes.

So today, my brother brought home his school mag. Now according to Betty, Trinity houses some eye-candy. So I flicked through the pics, and could only see some half decent looking guys. Then I jumped to the back, where they have all the individual photos of the graduating yr 12s.
HOLY SHIT they were ugly. Seriously, some of them looked like caricatures. Betty, looks like you were wrong.
Oh and they had this sort of philosophy club... with seven peeps. Lol. It sounded interesting though.

Um yeah.

I spent all of today studying economics and about all the problems with our economy.
And then eating dinner by self, I started watching SBS and I get bombarded with all these stories and pics of fightings and bombings and how we're gonna run out of food in twenty years, so imagine how depressed I was feeling by the end of that. Humanity and its impending doom.

Hell, I'm off to find some eye candy and to cheer myself up.
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 9:28 PM - 2 comments
of supernatural tendencies

yes yes, i know i dont need any excuses for putting up eyecandy (especially since this is exactly what the blog has been lacking tsktsk) but i did have a purpose to this post:

my sister just brought home the first two seasons of SUPERNATURAL and lo and behold a dilemma has arised. Am i to be:

a) the good girl and, like every other HSC-er, save money by ripping them

b) go wild - and i use this term loosely- and blow 30 a pop on supernaturally goodlooking jared padalecki (and jensen ackles i spose..)

c) be the extremely good HSCer and do none of the above to stop additional procrastination tempations (please remember that procrastination happens to be a skill of mine and i will find another way to puruse it.... )

please decide soon for me friends, the sale is on and time is a-wastin....
m xox
this is the word of moey as at 6:46 PM - 1 comments
Thursday, March 6, 2008
jenny says.

Oops looks like there was a misunderstanding between moey n me. sorry =S

Hm. I've been considering getting a straight fringe again;; but I think that I've decided once and for all that I will stay loyal to the side fringe.

Speaking of another life-changing decisions, I'm now having second thoughts about doing gap year in China.


I will be able to read and write Chinese properly. Believe me, I'm really desperate for it.

No mum for a year. Oh yeah. No more: You go out too much! You have too many clothes! Your room is too messy!

I get to meet lots of new people from other countries. Shall be interesting.

Will be able to contribute to China's booming economy [a nerdy way of saying that I will shop alot.]


I will miss my friends here so much, and when I return I will probably feel like I've missed out on so much.

When I start uni here I will be with peeps younger than me.

What if I don't meet anyone interesting in China? I get intimidated by peeps easily, so I tend to stick with the quieter ones... which sometimes means they are less interesting.

I will miss Sydney - clean air, sunniness, beach, having a back garden. And civility between peeps. And good music.

Sheesh. I think I'm pretty much going though. I already told all my rellies etc, and my parents really want this, so if I pull out, I'd probs really disappoint them.

Exams are still going on, but right now I'm like the opposite of stressed. I really hope I'm not like this when it comes to the actual HSC. I'd be so screwed.

35 weeks left peeps. =)
this is the word of jenny.tee as at 10:20 PM - 2 comments
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
stroked !
yay ! exam week is nearly over (for me)!

tomorrow will be my last day, and afterwards jenny and i will go to city for some shopping movie therapy . and being the responsible girl i am, i put off my studies to organise what i should wear tomorrow : ) yes, i am hardworking that way!

hopefully someone will tell me soon so i dont have to get up in a scurry and leave a shoe behind or whatever .

:P moey

PS: is having an author, writing too much about him/herself, an element of french lieutenants woman?! : (

this is the word of moey as at 5:00 PM - 2 comments
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
I hate flying cockroaches.
jenny says.

I think I am developing obsessive compulsive disorder.
Laugh not.

okay, so i come home from 4u maths exams today (yuck) and I immediately start tidying my room and my desk up. It wasn't even that messy, since I've been tidying it up every night anyway.

And then it was lunch time so I started raiding the fridge for sth to eat (my Mum had ditched me) and then suddenly...I got this urge to categorise everything. So I did. Like, all the soups together on one half of the shelf, all the leftovers in another, lunch stuff on another, etc.
I mean, HELLO? This is the fridge I'm talking about??

I always thought my Mum was a neat freak - but I guess I don't have the right to call her that anymore.

I want my social life back =(

Exams end next Tues for me;; got two things lined up for the rest of that week pour que je puisse me laisser un peu.

Let's all do something on Friday =) Let's all get trashed !

this is the word of jenny.tee as at 9:50 PM - 3 comments
because this is what happens when you do:
melted oozy yet all solidified in the end.
actually thinking about it, i kind of like it this way,
it gave me new and better angles to make my face with . and by face i mean eyes.
goatees on women are scary.
maybe i should retitle:
. moey xo

this is the word of moey as at 8:30 PM - 3 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
jenny says:
Sorry about being a lil slack on this. Its just that not only am I quite busy, but the storm on Thursday caused a failure in our telephone lines so we were without home phone or internet for two nights.

Today i felt really sad about saying goodbye to summer as i turned my Leunig calendar to March. I look forward to summer so much each year, and I've barely been able to enjoy it this year. But the cartoon on the calendar really made me laugh : "Save water - shower with a friend. Save the world - shower with an enemy"
I love Leunig. When its at an intellectual level low enough for me to understand. =S

This is our 80th post. the 100th post is gonna come soon... Shall we do something special?

And I want shoes like these:

this is the word of jenny.tee as at 8:07 PM - 1 comments

vanity is fair.
this was jenny.tee and moey's blog from October 2007 - October 2008.

Click here to go to our current blog.

  • WE HAVE MOOVED.we-started-everything.blogspot.coms...
  • In the barlight she looked alright, but in the day...
  • two hundred and thirty six bucks
  • the musings of the mundane
  • The world looks more beautiful on this side.
  • losses and finds.
  • how do you say ADHD in Indian?
  • It's time to decrypt the cryptic-ness.We are ditch...
  • live it. love it. leave it.
  • I'm out to treat this like the sky's no limit.
  • when we were young.
  • October 2007
  • November 2007
  • December 2007
  • January 2008
  • February 2008
  • March 2008
  • April 2008
  • May 2008
  • June 2008
  • July 2008
  • August 2008
  • September 2008
  • October 2008
  • November 2008
    ☆ IT'S NOTHING BUT A LIE ---------------------------
    FACE HUNTER --------------------------
    [original template here]


    header photo from.